Part A : Hans Braun's story
Hello. I 'm Hans Bran's, an old German sailor. During the war my ship was at Konigsberg. One night I was told to help our soldiers put some big wooden boxes onto my ship. They were very heavy and the soldiers said they were full of treasure. The ship went out to sea. On our voyage, our ship was attacked and sank. Almost everyone died. I had to swim three kilometers before I was saved by a German ship. Nobody had time to save the boxes. They must still be buried in the sand. Now a group of people who are searching for the Amber Room have asked me to help them find the ship.
Part B: Anna Petrov's story
Hello, my name is Anna Petrov. I was a maid at the castle in Konigsberg between 1940 and 1945. One night in 1941 many trucks came to the castle with large boxes. The German soldiers took the boxes into the castle. Later we heard that a special art treasure in the castle was shown to important visitors. Perhaps it was the Amber
Room but I never saw it. Then at the end of August, 1944, I heard something explode. When I looked outside I saw that the castle was on fire. The next morning I found some melted pieces of something that looked like honey. Russian soldiers later told me it was amber and it could have come from the Amber Room.
HOW ABU SIMBEL WAS SAVED? Unit1 workbook P41
Part A
The Aswan High Dam in ______ is one of the _______ dams in the world. It provides half of Egypt’s __________. However, it caused ________ while it was being built. There were many _______ along the River Nile. It was clear that when the dam was _______ many of them would be covered by _____.One of the most _________ of these temples is Abu Simbel, which was built in the ____ century BC. It is made of _____ and at the entrance there are _____ large _____ persons, each twenty metres high. Nobody wanted the _________ temple of Abu Simbel to __________ but they needed the dam. Finally, the engineers of UNESCO _______ the problem and found a way to ______ the temple.
Part B.
The ________ agreed to move Abu Simbel temple _____ by _____ and build it again ______ the waters of the dam. It took ______ workers _____ years to rebuild the temple in the ______. It cost more than ________ million US dollars. However, it was worth it. The Aswan Hign Dam was finished in ______. Even since then Abu Simbel has been one of the most beautiful _______ in Egypt. It is still in a ______ and beautiful place ______ visitors are glad to ____.
Unit1 workbook P44
Part A
Wen Hui is going to take her friend, Sally Jones, to visit the Forbidden City in Beijing.
Sally Jones = S Wen Hui = W
S: Oh, Wen Hui, I’ve always wanted to see the _________ ____. It sounds so _______. I wonder why it’s called that.
W: It was because ________ people like us,were ______ allowed into the Palace while the emperors ______ China.
S: So who was allowed in?
W: Well, the Emperor’s ______, high state _______, and _______ of the emperor. S: Mmm, I’ve heard that it’s one of the largest palaces in the world. How ___ is it? W: Well, there were ______ rooms when it was built.
S: 9,999 rooms! That’s so _______! Why not 10,000?
W: There are _____ reasons. First, nine is a special number in Chinese _______. Second, it’s said the Emperor in _______ has 10,000 rooms so the Emperor on Earth can not have so many. It wouldn’t show ______.
S: Oh, I see ...
Part B.
S: How many Emperors lived there _________?
W: ________ Emperors from the Ming Dynasty and ____ from the Qing Dynasty. They lied in it for about ____ years till the last Emperor left it in _____. S: So I think is was built in the ________century.
W: Oh yes. After it was finished, the capital of China _______ to Beijing.
S: Mmm, I read it in the __________ that the Palace is ________ and redecorated very often.
W: Yes, there is now a programme of repairs going on. It will last until _____.
S: Goodness! Oh, is that because the palace is made of ______? You know, we also repair our ______ in England, but they don’t take so ______ because the castles are made of _____.
W: Yes, I suppose so. Wooden __________need more work to _______ them. S: But that’s one of the reasons why it’s so ______! I’ve heard that it’s made of wood without even one _____.
W: Yes, it’s great _______ of ancient Chinese architecture and it’s now a national _______. It is also called the ______ ________…
Unit2 THE RACE P15
So the next day Hippomenes was waiting when Atlanta came out. She thought, "I don't want this man to die." So she said to her father, "Tell him to go away. The race will not be run today." But Hippomenes said, "These are her rules; She will marry the man who runs faster than her. Come on, let’s run!"
When the race started Hippomenes ran fast, but Atlanta ran even faster. Soon she was in front. At once Hippomenes threw one of the golden apples. It fell far to the side of Atlanta and she ran to get it. As she picked it up, she saw Hippomenes was in front. So she ran very fast until she was in front again. Just then Hippomenes threw another apple over her head and far to the side. Again she stopped to pick it up, and Hippomenes went in front.
When she finally caught up with Hippomenes the second time, he threw the third and last golden apples. As it flew though the air Atlanta saw it and wanted it. So she picked this one up too. By this time Hippomenes was almost at the end of the race. Atlanta could not catch up with him because the apples were too heavy. So
Hippomenes won the race and married Atlanta. Thanks to the Goddess they lived happily ever after.
In the modern Olympic Games the longest running race is called the Marathon. It gets its name from a town in Greece called Marathon which is 26 miles from Athens, the capital city of Greece This is the story of why the Marathon race is included in the Olympic Games.
Once there was an ancient Greek soldier called Phidippides. He ran so fast that he was often sent on long journeys with important messages. One day the leaders of Athens realized that their city was going to be attacked. They sent their army to the small town of Marathon, where they fought their enemies. It was a very long and hard battle, but at last the army from Athens won. They were very happy. However, they knew that the people of Athens would be wondering what had happened. So they asked Phidippides to go to Athens and tell them the good news.
Phidippides set off. He was very tired after all the fighting but he ran as fast as he could. As he got near Athens he began to slow down. His head was bursting and he could hardly breathe. As he got to the centre of the city, he fell to the ground. All the people rushed up to him. Phidippides opened his mouth. “ Athens is saved!” he cried. Then he fell down dead. His story became so famous that it is remembered by the Marathon race of 26 miles, which is the distance from Marathon to Athens.
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