Network promotion
網路推廣功能 network extending function
網路推廣經理 E-marketing Manager
網路推廣員 Online Marketing Specialist
1. How feed enterprises out effectively network expansion?
2. Network extension methods, network program publicity, and promotion.
網路推廣方法, 網路宣傳方案, 推廣手法.
3. Female computer operator network of computer science graduates to do promotion, have some foundation in English.
女電腦操作員計算機專業畢業可做網路推廣, 有一定的英語基礎.
4. Money will return to consumers and businesses, while as account experience a free network promotion.
款項會退回到消費者賬戶, 而商家則當作體驗了一把免費的網路推廣.
5. Besides selecting technological ventures for investment, the firms provide management, marketing and networking advice to the investee companies.
除甄選適宜投資的科技開發專案外,創業資金公司併為獲得投資的公司提供管理 、 市場推廣和建立網路等方面的意見.
6. Mainly engaged in online games, advertising planning, project promotion.
主要經營網路遊戲, 廣告策劃 、 專案推廣.
7. Extend our products to all over the world at the fastest speed.
8. Understanding or experience of the european online marketing. Knowledge of textual criticism.
理解或有相關的歐洲網路市場推廣、網路影響經驗. 懂得文字批判技巧.
9. How as you did at them make the promotion in the network.
10. Optimized network has quick convergence speed, steady performance and good extend capability.
優化後的網路收斂速度快 、 穩定,具有較強的推廣能力.
11. In COD test experiment, we of unknown samples on the base of LM - BP neutral network model.
對於COD測量實驗,在運用樣本資料建立神經網路模型的基礎上, 對未知樣本進行擬合和推廣.
12. And a convergent algorithm for solving the network capacity model is pointed out.
13. This algorithm had been implemented in ALTERA s FPGA, and could be applied to other networks.
該演算法已經在Altera公司的FPGA上 實現, 而且可以推廣到其他網路.
14. Efficiency parameters optimization about terminal - sensitive projectiles was based on algorithms of chaos - Annealing strategy and BPNN model.
15. Functional network is extension of neural network, it deals with general real - valued functional model.
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