be continuing without end;
1. 在我們工作的程序中,出乎意料的事層出不窮。
Unexpected events thrust themselves continually athwart our path.
2. 新生事物層出不窮。
New objects are springing one after another.
3. 這是優秀電影層出不窮的一年。
This was a vintage year for good movies.
4. 拐賣或販賣嬰兒的事蹟亦層出不窮。
Babies are abducted or bought from poor families and sold to childless couples.
5. 因此自殺傳聞才會層出不窮。
So suicide tales circulated.
6. 語言變化的原因還在於,層出不窮的新觀念和新事物需要人們用新的詞語去表達。
One of the most pervasive sources of language change seems to be the continual process of cultural transmission across generations.
7. 這種暴力事件層出不窮。
Violence is not uncommon.
8. 新點子層出不窮
New ideas followed fast.
9. 對黑洞的研究剛剛開始,各種各樣的假說會層出不窮。
The research of black holes is just beginning and speculations about them are endless.
10. 因徵地補償問題而導致的矛盾在各地層出不窮。
It leads to endless conflicts in various areas because of land requisition compensation.
1. British history of the 19th century is peopled by energetic reformers.
2. It seems astonishing that Bond got away with so much jiggery-pokery for as long as he did.
3. The movement is developing , new things have yet to emerge, and they are emerging in an endless stream.
運動在發展中,又有新的東西在前頭, 新東西是層出不窮的.
4. Well into the 1990's, credit market and other problems lingered on.
進入90年代, 信貸市場和其他問題層出不窮.
5. This is a responsive class with plenty of ideas.
6. The inexhaustible possibilities in bridge and chess have fascinated generations of players.
7. Unexpected events thrust themselves continually athwart our path.
8. Fantastic and grotesque elements that have widespread distribution in myths are especially puzzling.
9. Hyphenated and automated apparatus are also appearing on the market more frequently.
10. Such the underlying bed the competition, another incessantly the cabinet profession.
這樣的“低層”競爭, 在櫥櫃行業層出不窮.
11. An around aqueous antinomy piles up one after another.
12. With the development of economy abbr. M & A emerges one after another.
隨著經濟的發展, 以資本為紐帶的企業 併購 層出不窮.
13. Frequent hot conversion, stock is extremely difficult to grasp the emerging opportunities.
熱點頻繁轉換, 個股機會層出不窮卻極難把握.
14. At the same time, the problems associated with family disruption have grown.
與此同時, 家庭破裂帶來的問題層出不窮.
15. Under - and non - invoicing to avoid value - added tax VAT are common.
通過發票不足或不開發票來逃避 增值稅 的現象層出不窮.
Yet interference from states continues in endlessly nefarious and inventive forms.
運動在發展中, 又有新的東西在前頭, 新東西是層出不窮的。
The movement is developing, new things have yet to emerge, and they are emerging in an endless stream.
The task of global governance has become all the more daunting, as traditional security threatsare intertwined with non-traditional ones and new global challenges keep emerging.
The research of black holes is just beginning and speculation about them are endless.
In such a new environment, no country can meet emerging global challenges alone in theabsence of effective international cooperation.
The story of black holes is just beginning. Speculations about them are endless.
But curiosity about him continues, as evidenced by the unrelenting tide of Einstein booksAmazon lists some 100 in print.
Scientists know that the more that they find out, the more questions they will have.
He said new courses spring up because there is demand from would-be students – but not necessarily from businesses.
It will help you focus on the important stuff, instead of the distractions that keep popping up.
But at least we can distract ourselves with the daily comings and goings of pop singers andreality stars, as more than half think that 'celebrity' will be a registered profession.
The report lists America's ten "meanest" cities -- the largest of which include Los Angeles,Atlanta, and Orlando -- but new contestants are springing up every day.
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