instructional objective
Teaching aims
teaching goals
教學目標層次化 Teaching objectives hierarchical
單元教學目標Unit teaching objectives
教學目標進展資訊 Objective Progress Information
教學目標分析 Analysis of teaching aims
準備教學目標 Preparing Instructional Objectives
教學目標矩陣 Teaching Target Matrix
教學目標和要求 Teaching Aims and Demands
1. the aims of the lesson
2. There is no ideal lesson to achieve any given set of objectives.
3. The author explains the chorus curriculum design from six aspects.
4. Objective 8 : Students will be able to work as part of a team on lab experiments.
教學目標 8: 學生可以以團隊分工的方式來完成實驗.
5. Currently, the curriculum is formalistic, lack the linking with teaching target, the teaching practices substance contents.
從保健體育課情況看, 現階段保健體育課與其教學目標之間缺乏對應利銜接的研究, 教學實踐中表現出較大的隨意性.
6. In chapter two, the aims, models of instruction and student assessment in PRGPT are brought forward.
第二章, 提出高師普通物理課題研究的教學目標 、 教學模式及學生評價.
7. The traditional instructive process achieve class communication by instruction design, then obtain instruction target.
8. A teaching aim is the starting point and regressing point of class teaching.
9. Instructional objectives have three main functions, namely, guidance of instruction , learning and measurement of instructional result.
教學目標在教學中有三種主要功能, 即導教 、 導學、導測量.
10. Self - study ability in chemistry is one of the important aims in chemistry education.
化學 自學 能力是化學教育的一項重要的教學目標.
11. Objective 2 : Students will demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of basic principles of marine hydrodynamics.
教學目標 2: 使學生能說明和理解海洋流體力學的基本要素.
12. Individuation of teaching plans includes the individuations of teaching objective, contents, strategies, thinking exercises and development.
教案個性化包括教學目標 、 容 、 略 、 考練習、移拓展的個性化.
13. The second section is about the design of task - based language teaching which concerns some considerable factors.
14. Course objectives are the ground for the course contents, teaching aims and methods.
課程目標是確定課程內容 、 教學目標和教學方法的基礎.
15. Illustrate optimum strategy of classroom instruction from teaching goal, instruction method, relationship between teachers and students.
從教學目標 、 教學方法 、 師生關係等方面論述課堂教學優化的策略.
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