panda 英 ['pændə] 美 ['pændə] n; bear cat ; bearcat
網 絡panda;Pandas;hi panda;Bearcat
Pandas are precious creatures.
The female panda accepted the younger male panda.
The panda is now a rare animal.
I hear that one of the pandas has a baby.
Usually pandas live alone unless it is a female taking care of her cub.
Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own.
He replaces the black and white panda with the color one.
At present people are taking an important measure to save pandas.
Chinese video shows the panda injected with anesthetics before the procedure.
1. It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet. 竹筍是熊貓的主要食物,這是人所共知的。
2. The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow. 熊貓活動的唯一跡象是它們留在雪地上的足跡。
3. Many goods in China have the trademarks of a panda. 中國的許多商品都帶有熊貓的商標.
4. Pandas have only one or two young at a birth. 熊貓每胎產仔一、二隻.
5. The panda is native to West China. 熊貓產於中國西部.
6. The panda attracted many children. 那隻熊貓吸引了不少孩子.
7. We had a panda as our mascot. 我們把熊貓作為吉詳物.
8. Pandas are an endangered species. 熊貓是瀕危物種。
9. Pandas like most to climb trees. 熊貓非常喜歡爬樹.
10. So they became fewer and fewer. 因此熊貓越來越稀少.
11. There where pandas live, hunting is not allowed. 禁止在熊貓棲息地打獵.
12. The panda is a native of west China. 熊貓是中國西部的動物.
13. She has broken the panda to the show. 她訓練那隻熊貓慣於表演.
14. We saw three pandas in the zoo. 我們在動園裡看到了三隻熊貓.
15. Pandas bed down in the dense forest. 熊貓在密林中做窩.
16. She trained her camera on the caged panda. 她把照相機對準籠子裡的熊貓.
17. Some people used panda's fur to sleep on or to make fur coats. 一些人睡在熊貓皮上或用它作皮衣.
18. Fixed bug where Panda Storm feedback was weakened in 3.5. 修正3.5版本後,熊貓風暴分身的反饋效果降低的問題.
19. The panda is the most important animal to protect. 熊貓是最重要的動物,需要保護.
20. Female pandas ovulate only once a year, in the spring. 一年雌熊貓僅僅在春天排卵.
When it comes to pandas, you probably thought things were strictly black and white.
But meet Qi Zai, an extremely rare brown and white panda whose colourful appearance has left scientists scratching their heads.
While every bit as a cute as others of his species, he is a very special bear because there have only been five sightings of brown-white pandas since 1985.
Now aged five, he was found as a two-month-old cub, weak and alone, by researchers in a nature reserve in Qinling Mountains in China after his mother had apparently disappeared into the jungle.
現在它5歲了。在中國秦嶺自然保護區被研?a href='//' target='_blank'>咳嗽狽⑾質保??怪皇且恢渙礁鱸麓蟮撓揍蹋?苄槿酢⒑芄碌ィ?筆彼?杪杷坪躋丫??г詿粵種辛恕?/p>
For his own safety, they took him to the nearby Shaanxi Rare Wildlife Rescue, Breeding and Research Centre where he was given medical treatment and fed on panda milk saved by the centre’s staff from other pandas.
He has since grown into the fine, eye-catching specimen he is today.
These photographs were taken by Katherine Feng, an American vet and member of the International League of Conservation Photographers, who was delivering veterinary supplies to the centre donated by the US charity Pandas International.
She was granted special permission to photograph him during the recent visit.
Qi Zai - who is also known as ‘seventh son’ by staff at the centre - is the same size and weight and has the same habits as other pandas with the usual black and white fur.
Scientists at the centre say further studies are necessary to unravel the mystery of why the brown and white pandas occur.
The panda population in the Qinling Mountains is small and isolated with an estimated figure of between 200 and 300.
Some experts at the centre have suggested that the brown fur could also have some links with the area’s unique geographical and climatic conditions, saying the soil and water in the area might influence the hair pigments of the pandas.
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