be bad at
be bad at的常見例句
1. A trade war would be bad at the best of times, but in the current economic climate, it would be a disaster.
2. Thing may be bad at the moment, but keep your pecker up.
現在可能情況不太好, 但你要打起精神.
3. The camps are said to be bursting at the seams.
4. "Will Joe be here at Christmas?" — "I expect so."
5. The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8.
6. You'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven.
7. Those electing to smoke will be seated at the rear.
8. The arrested man will almost certainly be kept at this police station.
9. They are supposed to be here at about half four.
10. At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games.
不擅長做某事 not good at something ; Be poor at+ Sth./doing Sth ; be weak in sth
不擅長畫畫 Not good at drawing ; Painting is not skilled at
我不擅長英文 I'm not good at English
不擅長的 poor
不擅長跳舞 Not good at dancing
我不擅長英語 I'm not good at English
英語不擅長 English is not good ; English is not skilled at
我最不擅長 I was not good at ; I most do not excel
我不擅長潛水 I'm not good at diving
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