[醫] stock fish
網 絡Dried fish;DRY FISH1.
1.Grilled fish is drier and less greasy than fried fish.
2. Products: lobworm, blach shell, dried fish etc. 主要產品: 沙蠶 、 禾貝 、 魚乾.
3. Live Lobsters, Frozen Prawns Shrimps , Frozen Tuna, Dried Sea Cucumberand Shark and Nutsand Refractories. 採購產品活龍蝦, 冷凍蝦 蝦 , 冷凍鮪魚, 幹海蔘和魚翅.
4. In a society that prides itself on being collectivist, they are suspicious loners. 在一個以集體主義者為榮的社會裡,食草男和魚乾女是行跡可疑的孤獨者.
5. He fished and nailed up his catch to dry on the wall of the byre. 他去釣了魚,並把釣來的魚釘在牛棚的牆上晒乾。
6. Dried fish must be kept completely dry until are eaten. 乾魚在被吃掉前,必須保持完全的乾燥.
7. Fool lade out all the water, and wise men take the fish. 愚人涸乾水, 智者取走魚.
8. Another method of preparing fish is called dry salting. 另一種製備魚的方法被稱為幹醃法.
9. Fish bone brain known as Ming, is dry shark cartilage products. 魚腦亦稱明骨, 是鯊魚軟骨的乾製品.
10. To cure fish by soaking in brine and half - drying in smoke. 用鹽醃或煙燻至半乾製得的 魚
11. The use of commercially available dry pellet feeds is also introduced to fishfarmers. 該署又介紹養魚戶使用各種不同的幹粒料魚糧.
12. During his service in Guangzhou he fed himself on vegetables and dried fishonly. 在廣州任職期間,吳隱之每天只以蔬菜、乾魚為食.
13. Add to fish strips and let stand 15 minutes, turning occasionally. Drain,discarding marinade. 把魚放進去醃製15分鐘.中間翻動讓其入味. 取出魚條濾幹, 醃汁扔棄.
14. Another necessary for prepare method of preparing fish is called dring saltydry salting. 別一種製備魚的方面叫做幹醃法.
15. Dealing in Dried Prickly sea cucumbers, dried Fish Maws, Dried Shark'sSkin, Dried Shark's Fin etc. 供應幹“刺海蔘”, 幹鯊魚皮, 乾魚膘, 魚翅等等.徵求中國買家長期合作.
16. Wash them in a mixture of and a small amount of salt and let them dry. 用含鹽極少的混合水洗淨魚,然後晒乾.
17. Another method of preparing fish is called dry salting. Wooden boxes orbaskets are dry salting. 另一個儲存魚的方法是幹醃法,在此過種中需要木製的盒子或籃子.
18. To dry fish, you will need either a drying table or a place to hang them. 弄乾魚需要一個乾燥的桌子或者一個可以懸掛他們的地方.
19. Our specialty include : Boiled steak , fish with tomato sauce , saute dicedchicken, crab paste with meat. 特色菜包括水煮牛柳 、 紅油豆花魚 、 歌樂山辣子雞 、 蟹粉獅子頭、雞火乾絲鍋仔等.
20. Cover the fish with a clean piece of white cloth and let them dry. 用一塊乾淨的白布包裹魚使它們變幹.
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