safety education
Security Education
公眾防火安全教育 public fire safety education
生命安全教育 life safety education
交通安全教育 Traffic safety education
網路安全教育 education of network security
電子安全教育 E-Safe Education
公共安全教育基地 Public safety education base
道路交通安全教育 road safety education
1. At least, this may explain the local school safe education some attenuation.
至少, 這可以說明當地學校的安全教育有些弱化.
2. If you have accept the safe education and pass it.
3. It is divided into plant level, shop floor and shift - group EHS education.
具體指入廠級 、 車間級和班組級環境安全教育.
4. In the United States, most education dollars are spent in elementary schools.
在美國, 大多數防火安全教育經費被投入了小學.
5. Daily safety training for drive forklift and emphasize all driver must follow process for each day.
6. Strengthen safe education among the staffs, take fire fighting course once a year.
1加強對公司職工安全教育, 負責每年全員工防火培訓課.
7. Third, read more books about security, take part in the practice activity of security education more.
多學習有關安全教育方面的書籍 、 刊物, 並多參加安全教育的實踐活動.
8. Educate the workers in safety. Antiskid shoes are worn in rainy day in case of accidence.
對工人進行安全教育, 應穿好防滑鞋,避免雨天打滑而產生意外事故.
9. Through the practice of safety education, it will provide the comfortable and safe learning environment.
透過安全教育的實施, 提供安全舒適的學習環境.
10. For example, the insurance industry recently held a safety event near Washington for teen drivers.
11. Receive HSE training & education given by the company to enhance the safety awareness.
接受公司安排的安全教育 培訓,提高安全意識.
12. Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment.
13. Professional safety education is the main route for training safety talents.
14. Teaching children to be safe is the responsibility of all adults.
15. Education Background: Bachelor or equivalence on Safety industry or Chemical related major.
教育背景: 工業安全或化工相關專業的本科或同等學歷.
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