Very excellent
1. She has a first-class brain and is a damned good writer.
2. In that 2.7-litre form it really was a terrific racing car.
3. To play in front of 40,000 screaming fans was a great experience.
4. "Oh, those new apartments are really neat," the girl babbled on.
5. You're doing a great job! Keep it up!
6. He's a rather good fast bowler.
7. Everything in her life is just peachy.
8. I thought they played tremendously well, didn't you?
9. "Dude" is a cracker of an album.
10. "It's a fabulous opportunity."— 'Yeah. I know.'
11. That is the fact of Hungarian football — they can play very well or very poorly.
12. Come to my suite so I can tell you all about this wonderful play I saw in Boston.
13. We have had a grand voyage and seen a sea - serpent.
我們的航行非常棒.我們看到了 海蛇.
14. My mother speaks very good English, but she knows little Japanese.
我母親講英語講得非常棒, 但她不懂日語.
15. We are about to embark on a great journey.
1. 我們接近她時,她就揮棒亂打。
As we approached her, she laid about her with a stick.
2. 農夫拿著大棒追趕闖進來的人。
The farmer came after the intruders with a big stick.
3. 我姐姐身體很棒--她能遊5英里。
My sister's very strong she can swim 5 miles.
4. 偵探認為這根木棒和謀殺案有牽連。
The detective thought the stick was relative to the murder case.
5. 他們試圖用一根鐵棒撬開鎖。
They tried to use an iron bar to pry open the lock.
6. 這個鐵匠給鐵棒加熱,直到燒紅為止。
The blacksmith heated the iron bar until it glowed.
7. 模擬系統失壓工況下的彈棒,系統壓力與壓力殼壓力具有瞬時跟隨特性,未出現控制棒彈棒事故。
The rod ejection experiment in depressurization condition also is carried out.
8. 棒材計數系統廣泛應用於棒材軋製生產線,而計數的關鍵在於棒材的平鋪和有效的分離。
The key problem of the system is to lay down and seperate the bars correctly.
9. 那個棒球手在他的球棒裡塞滿了軟木,以使球棒變得更輕。
The baseball player stuffed his bat with cork to make it lighter.
1. 辛苦工作了四個小時後,他覺得非常餓。
He felt very hungry after four-hours' hard work.
2. 我非常感謝您。
I'm extremely grateful to you.
3. 我祝你有非常幸福的未來。
I wish you a very happy future.
4. 我非常喜歡。
I enjoyed it very much.
5. 你非常可愛,非常時髦,非常值得我信任!
You are so adorable and fashionable that you deserve my trust.
6. 但大家對這艘船還是非常信任的,事實也證明這種材料非常耐用,用它造出來的船又好又牢固。
The material was very durable and she felt good and strong.
7. 我們有非常不同的文化,歷史也非常不同。
We come from very different cultures with very different histories.
8. 它有著非常非常長的脖子,這樣它就能夠夠到高高的樹上那柔軟的葉片。
It has a very long neck to reach the tender leaves up high on a tree.
9. 這款非常好,顏色也非常適合您。
This seems quite extraordinary and the color also suits you.
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