My biggest hobby is reading.
When brother borrowed HuiShu, I would beg him to let me see,. Is the elder brother is always in watching cartoon, just show me.
Although I also love watching TV, but compared the two, I prefer to read a book, had to give up TV.
A have free, I will take out a book from the shelf and read with relish, even go to the toilet, all want to take a book to see. Careless, but because the exam score, mother limits the my reading time, my in the mind very afflictive.
I want to learn, strive for to get your full marks, win back their power to study.
Everyone has their favorite thing to do, my favorite is running. Why do you say I particularly love running? That is because I can feel running exercise, be beneficial to our growth.
Before, I don't like running, I often watch TV at home, writing homework, over time, the body becomes very thin, often catch a cold. Then father insisted that I run. Gradually I resistance and strength. Now I still insist on running every day, running naturally became my hobby.
Listen to my introduction, do you also like running on the right, hurry up together.
There are two of my hobbies, let me listen to everybody!
First hobby is: I run, I think many people should be like this hobby, I became a more than a year of the track team, I go to the game, but other elementary school is very bad, I don't run to win them. Ah ~
The second hobby is: playing table tennis, I have been to buy, helpless father bought for me, once my mother and I go to play together, I have not been very will kick-off, ha ha ~ mom smiled collywobbles, but I even trick - kill shot will now.
Did any of my hobby you good at? I want to ask ask!
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