The park are full of people in the morning. Everyone knows doing exercise is good for health. Look! There are a group of old men under the big tree. They are doing Taiji. There are lots of young men playing table tennis. The old women are near the table. They are dancing. Some young children are walking with their parents in the park.
早晨公園裡滿是人. 人人都知道鍛鍊有益健康. 看, 在大樹下有一群老年人,他們在打太極拳. 有許多年輕人在打乒乓球.在球檯附近有些老大娘在跳舞. 一些小孩子在父母的陪伴下在公園裡散步.
It was a nice day. My family and I went to the park to have a walk. There are a lot of people in the park. They are all enjoying different kinds of activities. Some are playing cards, some are playing chess, some are walking their dogs, and others are talking and laughing happily with their friends. I like this kind of atmosphere. The park is a good place to relax ourselves. It is also a good place to do some exercise to keep healthy.
關於公園關於我的業餘愛好Tonight, my parents and I went to the park for a walk after dinner. There were so many people, and a lot of families hanged out. There was a special show in the center park, and people could sing in the stage. I asked my mother to sing because she liked singing so much. Though she refused at first, she sung at last. A lot of people praised her.
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