Pull the radish
On a summer day, a grandpa plants a radish.
Grandpa: Radish, radish, grows sweet, grows big. The radish grows and grows, bigger and bigger. The grandpa wants to pull it.
He pulls the leaf.
Grandpa: Hi-yo! Hi-yo!
He pulls and pulls, but can’t pull it out. Grandpa: Grandma! Grandma! Help! Help! Grandma: Yes, I’m coming.
The grandma comes.
She drags grandpa.
He pulls the leaf.
Hi-yo! Hi-yo!
But can’t pull it out.
Grandma: Little girl! Little girl! Help! Help! Little girl: Yes, I’m coming.
The little girl comes.
She pulls the grandma.
They pull the leaf.
Hi-yo! Hi-yo!
But can’t pull it out.
Little girl: Dog! Dog! Help! Help! Dog: Woof! Woof! I’m coming. The dog comes.
He pulls the little girl. They pull the leaf.
Hi-yo! Hi-yo!
But can’t pull it out.
Dog: Cat! Cat! Help! Help!
Cat: Meow! Meow! I’m coming. The cat comes.
She pulls the dog.
They pull the leaf.
Hi-yo! Hi-yo!
But can’t pull it out.
Cat: Mouse! Mouse! Help! Help! Mouse: Eek! Eek! I’m coming. The mouse comes.
He pulls the cat.
They pull the leaf.
Hi-yo! Hi-yo!
They pull and pull.
They pull out the big radish.
Round the radish, they dance and sing.
The old male kind of a radish, he said to the radish: "long bar, long bar, radish, ah, long sweet! Long bar, long bar, radish, ah, ah long!" The radish grows bigger and bigger.
The husband is to pull out the radish. He pulled the radish leaves, "Yo Yo," pull up, pull out. The old man shouted: "the old woman, the old woman, come and help pull the radish!" "Well! Come on, come on."
Old man, the old man, the old man pulled the radish leaves, and pull together. "Yo Yo," pull up, or pull out. The old woman said, "little girl, little girl, come and help out!" "Well! Come on, come on."
The little girl took the old woman, the old man, the old man, the old man pulled the radish leaves, and pull together. "Yo Yo," pull up, or pull out. Cried Little girl. "The dog, the dog, come and help out!" "Wang Wangwang! Come on, come on."
The little girl pulled the little girl, the little girl pull the old woman, the old man, the old man, the old man pulled the radish leaves, pull together. "Yo Yo," pull up, or pull out. The puppy shouted: "the cat, the cat, to help pull out the radish quickly!" "Meow meow! Come on, come on."
Cat took the dog, dog took the little girl, little girl holding the old woman, the old woman took the old man, husband and pulling the turnip together to pull out the radish. "Yo Yo," pull up, or pull out. The cat shouted: "little mouse, little mouse, to help pull out the radish quickly!" "Zhizhi! Come on, come on."
Mouse took the little cat, cat took the dog, dog took the little girl, little girl holding the old woman, the old woman took the old man, husband and pulling the turnip together to pull out the radish. "Yo Yo," pull up the radish, move a little, then forced to pull up, pull out the radish! They went home happily.
***Rabbit is hungry,she wants to find some food. look for a moment, Suddenly, she find a radish in a filed beside the road.***
R:Oh, a radish! A big radish! Ill pull it out.
Ai---Hay---Yo! Ai---Hay---Yo!
The radish is too heavy. I cant pull it out.
D: Im a dog. Im hungry. Oh, Miss rabbit, What are you doing?
R:Hello, Mr. Dog. A radish, a big radish. Its too heavy. I cant pull it out.
D:Ill help you. Lets pull it together.
R:Thank you . Lets pull it together.
R&D:One, two, begin! Ai---Hay---Yo! Ai---Hay---Yo! Oh, the radish is too heavy. We cant pull it out.
M:Im a monkey. Im hungry. Oh, What are you doing?
R&D:Hello, Mr. Monkey. A radish, a big radish. Its too heauy. We cant pull it out.
M:Ill help you. Lets pull it together.
R&D:Thank you. Lets pull it together.
R,D&M:One, two, begin! Ai---Hay---Yo! Ai---Hay---Yo! Oh, the radish is too heavy. We cant pull it out.
G:Im a goat. Im hungry. Oh, what are you doing?
R,D&M:Hello, Mr.Goat. A radish. a big radish. Its too heavy. We cant pull it out.
G:Ill help you. Lets pull it together.
R,D&M:Thank you. Lets pull it together.
R,D,M&G:One, two, begin. Ai---Hay---Yo! The radish is big. The radish is heavy. Ai---Hay---Yo! We must work hard. We must pull it out.
R,D,M&G:Ai---Hay---Yo! Ah, the radish is out! A big radish! A heavy radish! Well eat it together.
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