社群是居住在某一地域裡的人們結成多種社會關係和社會群體,從事多種社會活動所構成... 下面是小編為大家精心整理的關於我的社群的高中英語作文文章,希望能夠幫助到你們。
My neighbourhood is very kind.He is friendly to me.He often come to my house and play with me.One day I have some problem and I don't k
How are you? I'm fine. We all miss you very much. I hope you like your new neighbourhood.
What is your new neighbourhood like? Are there lots of facilities? I know you like watching movies and reading books. Is there a cinema? Is there a library? Summer is coming. Are you going to swim? Is there a swimming pool?
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Can I come and visit your new neighbourhood?
My name is Banyang residential community, I can proudly say that the district is the largestliving area of Zichuan district. Morning, you walk along the road into the area, will see manypeople selling breakfast.
You can walk along the small, will see a wholesale cold place, you drink from the wholesaleplace to walk across, will walk into a small alley, you walk along the alley, will come to a dollart kindergarten. In the afternoon, there is lively and extraordinary. There is even more beautiful, cobblestone road, spring road, full of flowers, autumn leaves fall to the ground, my mother took me to pick up leaves, we pick up the side, while chatting.
The small square dancing, night brilliantly illuminated, playing, playing, bike etc.. There you will see my home, there is a green house in front of the building of grass, where corn,peppers, cabbage, radish, etc..
As the economic development ,people’s living standards and consumption levels have also greatly improve ,but at the same time people’s lives is also an increase in litter ,especially the community environment that we live in.
In the community ,we can see the litters here and there although have cleaners cleaning . So facing to the situation , what can we do ? Certainly what we can do is protecting the health and environment of the community ,because it is our shared home ,protecting it are the responsibility of every one of us .If we not ,what we get is the disease and pollution that is harmful to our body!
Thus in oder to make our home more clean and beautiful and give our parents,children,neighbors .etc a health entertainment,lets hand in hand to potect the community health!
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