
  《Sealed With A Kiss》,極具浪漫色彩,敘離別之情,卻不傷感;道分別之苦,卻不低沉。下面是小編給大家整理的知識,供大家參閱!

  《Sealed With A Kiss》


  《Sealed With A Kiss》歌手介紹

  1960年,年僅16歲的紐約布魯克林“法蘭克林”中學學生布賴恩·海蘭剛剛加盟Kapp公司,就因主唱《黃色圓點花紋小小的比基尼》一舉成名,並登上歌曲排行榜首位。海蘭為這家公司還出了一張唱片《Four Little Heels》,進入排行榜第73位。後來他撕毀合同,和ABC派拉蒙唱片公司簽了約。錄了些不溫不火的熱門曲如:《Let Me Belong To You》、《Ginny Come Lately》等。1962年夏天,他的一支《Sealed With A Kiss-以吻封緘》到達排行榜的第3位。隨後他還為菲力浦和Dot唱片公司錄過音。最後進入排行榜第三位的是他1970年加盟Uni 唱片公司後翻唱Impressions演唱組的《Gypsy Woman-吉普賽女郎》

  《Sealed With A Kiss》歌詞

  Though we gotta say goodbye

  For the summer

  Darling, I promise you this

  I' ll send you all my love

  Every day in a letter

  Sealed with a kiss

  Yes, it's gonna be

  A cold lonely summer

  But I'll fill the emptiness

  I'll send you all my dreams

  Every day in a letter

  Sealed with a kiss

  I'll see you in the sunlight

  I'll hear your voice everywhere

  I'll run to tenderly hold you

  But darling, you won't be there

  I don' t wanna say goodbye

  For the summer

  Knowing the love we'll miss

  Oh, let us make it a pledge

  To meet in September

  And sealed with a kiss

  Yes it's gonna be

  A cold lonely summer

  But I'll fill the emptiness

  I'll send you all my dreams

  Every day in a letter

  Sealed with a kiss
