



  第一節 共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分


  1.What do we know about the woman?

  A. She has already read the newspaper.

  B. She is borrowing a newspaper from the man.

  C. She doesn’t want to lend the newspaper to the man.

  2.What did the man want to be before he went to college?

  A. A teacher. B. A musician. C. An actor.

  3.What did the woman do last Saturday?

  A. She attended a meeting. B. She travelled in Atlanta. C. She stayed at home.

  4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A. A party. B. A house. C. A dinner.

  5.Why did the woman refuse to go to the cinema with Bob?

  A. She didn’t like him. B. She had quarreled with him. C. She was too tired that day.




  6.What does the woman think of her job in the Peace Corps?

  A. It is enjoyable. B. It is boring. C. It is a waste of time.

  7.What does the woman think is the most rewarding thing in the Peace Corps?

  A. Moving to a new office.

  B. Learning about another culture.

  C. Fitting into a different community.


  8.What does the man want to buy?

  A. A pen. B. A book. C. A notebook.

  9.How much sales tax does the man have to pay?

  A. About 4 cents. B. About 5 cents. C. About 9 cents.


  10.Where does the conversation take place?

  A. On a bus. B. On a train. C. On a plane.

  11.What does the woman ask the man to do?

  A. Change his seat with some kids. B. Take care of his children. C. Look after her children.

  12.How does the man respond to the woman’s words?

  A. He accepts her request gratefully.

  B. He appreciates her very much.

  C. He refuses her request impolitely.


  13.Where does Sally want to go?

  A. To the zoo. B. To the London Eye. C. To the Covent Garden.

  14.What is Billy interested in?

  A. Boats. B. Operas. C. Animals.

  15.What does the man suggest the woman do in London?

  A. Go shopping. B. Enjoy an opera. C. Visit her parents.

  16.What is the relationship between the speakers?

  A. Brother and sister. B. Husband and wife. C. Father and daughter.


  17.How many rooms are there in the speaker’s house?

  A. 4. B. 8. C. 9.

  18.What does the speaker’s family usually do on Saturday afternoon in summer?

  A. They have a barbecue. B. They walk in the garden. C. They water flowers in the garden.

  19.What can we learn from what the speaker said?

  A. He likes to stay outdoors.

  B. It’s very hot in summer in California.

  C. There are only two seasons in California.

  20.What does the speaker’s youngest son often play in summer?

  A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Baseball.


  第一節:單項填空 共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分


  21.What a terrible preparing experience! ____, you have passed the exam,that’s the main thing.

  A. Though B. Anyhow C. Somehow D. However

  22.Many people doubt ____ we should encourage our children to help the old when they are in trouble.

  A. where B. that C. what D. whether

  23.It is exactly the way ____ we speak ____ makes our teacher angry.

  A. that; that B. what; which C. that; which D. which; that

  24.We are confident that the environment ____ by our further efforts to reduce pollution.

  A. is improved B. will be improved C. had been improved D. was improved

  25.--- How do you like the film American Dreams in China?

  --- I think it is worth ____ a second time.

  A. being seen B. to be seeing C. seeing D. seen

  26.Our English teacher always tells u s to believe in ____ we do and who we are if we want to succeed.

  A. what B. why C. how D. which

  27. Obama and Cameron laughed happily as they were taking selfies at the memorial service for Mandela, ____ led to a widespread dispute爭議.

  A. that B. it C. what D. which

  28.--- It is a very hard time for our local industry, isn’t it?

  --- Yes, the local car industry cannot ____ without government’s help.

  A. survive B. fancy C. rely D. remove

  29.One Saturday, I was doing some cleaning ____ I heard cries for help.

  A. after B. when C. while D. since

  30.--- The English exam was not difficult, was it?

  --- ____, even Tom ____ to the top students failed in it.

  A. Yes; belongs B.No; belonged C. Yes; belonging D. No; belong

  31.Generally, ____ to a university in western countries, international students need to prove their ability to speak English.

  A. to be admitted B. admitted C. admitting D. being admitted

  32.You’d better not ____ the radio, or you’ll not be able to put it back together again.

  A. take away B. take apart C. take up D. take in

  33.--- I would never come to this shoe shop again. The service is too bad.

  --- ________.

  A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I

  34.John has agreed to let me use his new mountain bike to go for a picnic, and ____ I’m treating him to a big lunch next Saturday.

  A. in time B. in turn C. in return D. in advance

  35.--- Smoking is bad for your health.

  --- ____. It’s a stupid habit. I’m going to stop right now.

  A. I’ll do my best B. How do you find it

  C. I didn’t get it D. You’re absolutely right

  第二節 完形填空共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分


  Should You Pay a Kid for Getting Good Grades?

  Summer is always bonus紅利season at our house.

  One of my daughters chose a stylish raincoat. One bought a necklace and one got a new camera. It’s all part of the academic學術的 encouragement program I’ve been 36 since they entered first grade. I don’t 37 cash, but I do promise outings or objects of desire for straight A’s or similar 38 at school.

  Am I bribing賄賂our kids for good 39 ? Yes, I am.

  I admit that it would be best if all children and adults could be 40 by a natural drive for high achievement and a thirst for knowledge. But I also believe it’s 41 to get good grades after experiencing them.

  42, I admire the courage and confidence it takes to 43 oneself to something difficult and unfamiliar until you become its master and make it serve your needs in turn. If not for some material 44, a rare person take on such challenges挑戰.

  My husband, John, however, thinks this is 45.

  “If they don’t 46 learning, they’re not going to learn, no matter how many 47 you give them,” he says. “It hasn’t 48 any difference.”

  So I thought I’d ask the people who kno w best our 49. What do the rewards mean to them?

  “Honestly, I would have worked hard 50 the rewards but they were really positive 積極的for me,” Jamie, our rising senior says. “I felt you were proud of me, 51 meant a lot.” Anna, just starting ninth grade, says, “It’s not a bribe, it’s a reward.” A bribe, she points out, comes with bad results. A reward, on the other hand, is a 52 bonus.…

  I am really comforted to learn 53 had a clear understanding of my program.

  54 John admits that our girls haven’t been ruined by it, he thinks that’s because we have done other things right. He 55 feels strongly that a rewards program has too many disadvantages to recommend推薦for most people.

  36 A searching B attending C running D Writing

  37 A pay B have C receive D raise

  38 A punishment B exercise C activity D improvement

  39 A value B desire C objects D grades

  40 A pushed B broken C treated D discouraged

  41 A harder B easier C slower D stronger

  42 A However B Besides C Therefore D Thus

  43 A devote B lead C relate D compare

  44 A condition B information C promise D world

  45 A harmful B reasonable C silly D smart

  46 A join in B care about C pick up D suffer from

  47 A rewards B skills C challenges D scores

  48 A told B made C admitted D contained

  49 A adults B children C teachers D officials

  50 A with B without C for D against

  51 A it B who C which D what

  52 A nice B bad C similar D different

  53 A she B he C we D they

  54 A When B Since C If D Although

  55 A still B even C ever D yet