Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision
1.Greeting the Ss. Check the homework. Ask one or more students to show theirwork.
2. Review the food words.
S1: food: rice, hamburger, bread, chicken,milk, eggs…
S2: vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, salad…
S3: fruit: apples, bananas, pears, oranges, strawberries…
T: Let's ask a question chain. ***Ask questionsone by one***
S1: Do you like tomatoes?
S2: Yes, I do. Do you like carrots?
S3: No, I don't. I like rice. Do you like…?
S4: Yes, I do. Do you like…?
S5: …
Ⅱ. Presentation
1. T: I like shopping a lot. Do you like shopping? Nowcome with me to the clothes shop.
***Show students a picture of a clothes shop.***
T: Do you like the clothes in the shop?
S: Yes, we do.
T: Can you name these clothes in English?
***Show a picture of a jacket.***
T: What’s this in English? It’s a jacket.
T: What’s this in English? It’s a T-shirt.T-S-H-I-R-T, T-shirt. Now repeat.
S: T-shirt.
***Show other pictures and teach Ss other clothes"socks, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt”***
2. T: So much for this. And then let's review thenumbers and learn the words related to prices.
T: Can you count from 0 to 9 in English?
S: Yes. Zero, one, two, three, four, five…
Let some students repeat that. Show some pictures offood, drink, school things, sports things with prices on the screen.
Show some pictures of money from different countries,and ask students guess the names and teach them: yuan / dollar / pound. Thenask students about the prices. Help them answer.
T: How much is the ice cream?
S: It’s three dollars.
T: How much is the backpack?
S: It’s six dollars.
T: How much are the soccer balls?
S: They’re 9 dollars.
3. Ask thestudents to look at the picture on P41 and match the words with the things inthe picture.
T: Now let's work on 1a. We have some new words on the left of the pictureand some things marked with a, b, c... and i. Please match the words with theobjects in the picture by writing the letter of the objects on the lines nextto the words. The first answer is given.
Check the answers by asking some students to read thewords and the letters.
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