
1、 It would be nice to get out of the city。 Do you want some company?可以分開郊區出去走走真不賴。你想有個伴嗎?

2、Wealth is nothing without health。失去健康,錢再多也沒用。

3、The playing area is demarcated by a white line。運動場地以白線為界。

4、Games is one of my scar, he became my shadow。運動會是我的一個疤,成為了我的陰影。

5、You know why kids love player? Because they pursue their dreams。你知道孩子為什麼從崇拜運動員嗎?是因為他們追尋自己夢想。

6、Success belongs to the persevering。堅持就是勝利。

7、This reflected a migration of truly awesome proportions。這是一種真正駭人的人口遷移運動。

8、The choreography,which combines artistry and athletics,is extremely innovative。兼有藝術和運動的舞蹈藝術是極具創新意義的

9、Life is movement? Life is still! You see that lying bastard lived for many years !生命在於運動?生命在於靜止!你看王八趴那活了多少年!

10、 in morning, there are a lot of old men doing exercise in the park。 早上在公園鍛鍊的老頭兒特別的多。

11、a campaign redolent of machine politics。使人聯想起機器政治的運動

12、What’s the Mountaineering Club doing this weekend?這個週末登山俱樂部有何活動?

13、We'll enlist him in our movement我們要他參加我們的運動。

14、I like to walk the life, sports brought me a lot of fun。我生平喜歡步行,運動給我帶來了無窮的樂趣。

15、Skiing,snowboarding,cross country skiing and ice sports in winter。冬天的運動有:滑雪、滑雪板運動、越野滑雪和冰上運動;

16、A motion of the hand or the waving of a wand。揮動手的運動或棍棒的揮動

17、If this is a generation of sports, it must be done by this generation。如果這是一個世代的運動,就必須由這個世代來做。

18、The green campaign is a global phenomenon。綠色運動是全球性的現象。

19、regular physical exercises can strengthen one’s resistance against illness。 經常鍛鍊身體,能夠提高人體的抵抗力。

20、Weather getting cold, movement and let your body temperature ……天氣漸冷,運動讓你的身體升溫……

21、Exercise is good for circulation。運動有益於血液迴圈。

22、the racket used in paddle tennis or table tennis。碰碰網球或乒乓球運動中使用的球拍。

23、i’ve just learned how to exercise with clubs。 我新學了一套棒操鍛鍊身體。 my grandfather exercises with his healthcare balls every day。 我爺爺每天都拿著保健球鍛鍊。

24、Death can become a martyr prophet, the noble ideas into a powerful movement。死亡能將預言家變成殉道者,將崇高的思想變成強大的運動。

25、Exercise should always, adhere to, and machines, regular exercise did not rust。鍛鍊身體要經常,要堅持,人和機器一樣,經常運動才不能生鏽。

26、Marked by or moving in a wavelike form or motion; sinuous。波狀的或以波浪式運動的;起伏不平的

27、Her favourite sport is riding the breaker in。她最喜歡的運動是衝浪。

28、Life is not only to sports, but is frustrating。 Movement keeps the body healthy, toss to make life meaningful。生命不只在於運動,更在於折騰。運動使身體健康,折騰使生活有意義。

29、Those men and women who are toss, do not wearies: Life is movement, it would be doomed love toss。那些正在折騰著的男男女女們,別嫌煩:生命在於運動,愛情那就註定折騰。

30、Sitting from time to time, no section diet, extravagant in appetite, and stingy sports, this number who pathogenic great source also。起居之不時,飲食之無節,侈於嗜慾,而吝於運動,此數者,致病之大源也。

31、The presidential campaign was in full swing。總統競選運動正在全力進行中。

32、Football is a game which interests me a lot。 足球是我感興趣的運動。

33、Physical health and damage due to stationary, due to athleticism and long-term。身體的健康因靜止不動而破壞,因運動練習而長期保持。

34、I go as much as I can。 I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature。儘可以經常去。我喜愛徒步旅遊,由於這樣你才可以真正接觸大自然。

35、The motion of matter that he could not light fast! That's because in the universe!物質運動之所以不能光快!那是因為在宇宙中!

36、Skin - diving interests me a great deal 。潛游運動使人很感興趣。

37、the sportsmen are exercising to improve the strength of the muscles on their legs。 運動員們正在鍛鍊,以便加強腿部肌肉的力量。

38、The world's most grueling sports is the last on his back。世界上最累人的運動是把昨天背在背上。

39、Life is like riding a bike, in order to maintain the balance we must continue to exercise。 生活就像騎自行車,要想保持平衡就要不斷運動。

40、Moderate exercise is fundamental to good health。適度的運動對健康是絕對必要的。

41、I am exercising so as to lose weight。我運動是為了減輕體重。

42、Health from sports, to his athletic life, you want to be all things sports。健康來自運動,生命來自己運動,一切想要的東西都要運動。

43、Exercise is the source of all life。運動是一切生命的源泉。

44、Eat Drink Laugh do more exercise and more energy, more of a interpretation of life!多吃多喝多做多笑多運動多活力,多一份對生活的詮釋!

45、Interest in the game has fallen off。人們對這項運動的興趣已經降低。

46、Games is a good opportunity for videotaping his beloved people!運動會是偷拍自己心愛的人的好機會!

47、she was very busy at work, but she managed to stick to her exercise regime。 工作很忙,但是她還堅持鍛鍊。

48、Awareness campaign cause for thinking, thinking is conscious of forward movement。 意識運動的引起是為思,思是意識的順向運動。

49、A movement among voters toward nonpartisanship,resulting in a weakening of party structure。解散聯盟在選舉人中贊成無黨派的運動,導致黨組織的削弱

50、no matter how cold it gets, we must all stick to our exercise routine。 不管天氣多麼寒冷,我們都要堅持鍛鍊。

51、Conscious behavior purpose is to want。 I think it is the reverse movement of consciousness。目的性的意識行為是為想。想是意識的逆向運動。

52、Wake up every morning the first thing is to smile to myself, as well as, sports。每天早上醒來的第一件事是對自己微笑,還有,運動

53、All the great sports in the world and some are related to the great ideal。世界上的一切偉大運動都與某種偉大理想有關。

54、people are toughened by difficult experiences。 艱苦的環境鍛鍊人的意志。

55、 We are going to climb a cliff on the Colorado River。我們將攀巖科羅拉多河旁邊的一座懸崖。

56、Exercise is a natural doctor。運動是天然的醫生

57、We have marked the play area off with a white line。我們已用白線畫出運動場地。

58、There stands a break, the conservation movement。 Ma, who actually won?有立有破,運動守恆。馬雲究竟贏了誰?。

59、Heat is a mode of motion。熱是運動的一種形式。

60、Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn up the fat。有氧運動加速心臟跳動,有助於消耗更多脂肪。

61、The distinctive feature of vitreous opacities is their actual movement on motion of the eye。玻璃體混濁的特點是跟隨眼球運動而活動。

62、Since football is a world game, the term own goal is widely known around the world。自從足球成為一項世界性運動,“烏龍球”這個詞就盡人皆知了。

63、It's a crusade against corruption。這是一場反腐敗的運動。

64、Sporty girl so beautiful, waited really became apparent。運動型的女孩好美,嬌嬌果然人如其名。

65、In a spherical nucleus, the coupling term implies an interweaving of the quadrupole and dipole motion對球形核中的耦合項意味著四級運動和偶極運動間的交織。

66、Static is death, eternal life is only sport to knock on the door。靜止便是死亡,只有運動才能敲開永生的大門。

67、To throw or roll a ball in bowling。在保齡球運動中投擲或滾球。

68、I always had a leaning towards sport。我一向喜歡運動。

69、Any object in motion at the speed of light, its length will be shortened to zero。任何物體以光速運動時,其長度將會縮短為零

70、Football players are not true winner flopping sent off!足球運動員都是影帝 假摔不真 紅牌罰下!

71、Now the most interesting thing to do is exercise。現在能做的最有意義的事情就是運動了

72、To climb, and I understand that the body in the upward movement of the soul but in the downward slide。向上爬的事,我的理解是,肉身在向上運動,靈魂卻在向下滑落

73、A lively,capering manner of moving or walking;a prance。快樂的蹦跳活潑的蹦跳的運動或行走的方式;雀躍

74、Fat people more exercise, people ugly to read more!人胖多運動,人醜多看書!

75、A limb or an appendage of an animal,used for locomotion or support。腿動物的肢或附屬肢體,用於運動或支撐身體

76、Good basketball players must show their sincere feelings for basketball。好的籃球運動員必須表現出自己對籃球的真摯感情。

77、Sports so tired body more dynamic。運動會讓疲累的身體更有活力

78、No object, only the movement。沒有物體,只有運動。

79、The essence of life is movement, peaceful tranquility is death。人生的本質在於運動,安謐寧靜就是死亡。

80、elderly people are worn with age, so it is even more important for them to take part in exercise。 老年人年老體衰更應該參加一些適當的體育鍛煉。

81、Motion is the mode of existence of matter。運動是物質的存在方式。

82、Do not worry, the Earth has been in motion, the hapless to children, not always under your feet。你放心,地球一直在運動,那個倒黴的地兒,不會一直在你腳底下。

83、When feeling like sports sweating 。喜歡運動時大汗淋漓的感覺

84、She is a vigorous supporter of human rights。她是人權運動的積極支持者。

85、It is indefensible as a sport作為一種運動,這是站不住腳的。

86、Baseball is starting from home, finally home movement。棒球是從家開始,最後又回到家的運動。

87、Having a wormlike motion;twisting or wriggling。蠕動的具有蠕蟲般運動的;彎曲的或扭動的

88、Sports, reading。 Body and soul, are not disappoint。運動,讀書。身體和靈魂,都不可辜負。

89、I have a strong inclination for sports。我很喜愛運動。

90、I love all kinds of sports。 我喜歡各種各樣的運動。

91、Watch(the)wrestling on television看電視節目中的摔交運動。

92、Eating, sleeping, exercise when the mind calm and cheerful, and is one of the best secret of longevity。在吃飯、睡覺、運動的時候,心中坦然,精神愉快,及是長壽的最好祕訣之一。

93、The sports facilities are superb.運動設施是第一流的.

94、Of,relating to,or moving in a vortex;whirling.漩渦的漩渦的,與漩渦有關的,在漩渦中運動的;旋轉的

95、as for France, the avant-garde film movement became prominent during the 1920' s.在法國,先鋒派電影運動在20年代佔了上風。

96、Baseball is the national pastime.棒球是全民性的休閒運動。

97、Walking promote my mind. My body must be in constant motion, their brains will be put into operation.散步促進我的思想。我的身體必須不斷運動,腦筋才會開動起來。

98、Olympic Games is a group of people who most need exercise, watching a group of people most in need of rest, where the movement.奧運會就是一群最需要運動的人,看著一群最需要休息的人,在那裡運動 。

99、Life is movement, Cease endless movement. 生命在於運動,生命不止,運動不息。

100、Life always done curvilinear motion, even if successful people have gone through a lot of detours.人生總在做曲線運動,即使再成功的人也走過很多彎路。