
1、心動不如行動,去怨不如去幹。Echocardiography action, to complain than to do。

2、我們是幼苗,我們都需要呵護。We are at a young age, we all need to care。

3、保護自生環境,愛護我們生存的地球。Protect the environment, love our planet。

4、小草微微笑,請你繞一繞。The grass smiles, around a circle, please。

5、快快行動起來,保護自然生態!Quick action, protect the natural ecological!

6、讓綠色看得見,讓綠色聽得見。Let green visible and green could hear。

7、創造綠色時尚,擁抱綠色生活。To create green fashion, embrace green living。

8、輕輕地我走了,正如我輕輕地來。I gently walked, as I gently came。

9、做地球媽媽的好孩子,保護她!Do the earth mother's boy, protect her!

10、不讓塵土進校園,只讓美好到我家。Don't let the dust into the campus, let beautiful to my house。

11、低碳生活是起點,幸福生活是終點。Low carbon life is a starting point, a happy life is the end。

12、請您愛護綠色,綠是生命之源。Please take good care of the green, green is the source of life。

13、花兒以花香回報我們,我們只需腳下留情。Flowers to flowers returns, we just at the foot of mercy。

14、人類為什麼總把環境意識拋在腦後。Why do humans always put environmental consciousness behind。

15、地球—“母親”難堪,人類—“兒女”慚愧。The earth - "mother", human - "children" ashamed。

16、熱愛我們的母親,不要再讓她傷心和失望!Love our mother, don't let her sad and disappointed!

17、使“母親”成為樂園,需要“兒女”攜手努力。Make "mother", "children" hand in hand and work。

18、選擇低碳,選擇健康,選擇節能,選擇希望。Choose low carbon, health, energy saving, choose hope。

19、鳥兒渴望潔淨的天空,人類渴望綠色的家園。Bird to human desire to clean sky, eager to green their homes。

20、多栽一棵樹,就給人類多增添一絲生存的希望。Plant a tree, give human more add a little hope of survival。

21、人類應該為自己破壞環境的行為感到羞恥。Human beings should be ashamed for their destruction of environment。

22、動物是我們朋友,保護動物就是保護我們自己。Animals are our friends, to protect animals is to protect ourselves。

23、綠化是我們生存的希望,美化是我們做人的根本。Green is our survival hope, beautification is fundamental to our life。

24、人類需要的是綠色,只有保護好環境,才能擁有綠色。Human need is green, and only protect the environment, to have green。

25、地球的夢想,給自己穿上一件漂亮的“綠衫”。Earth's dream, get yourself a beautiful "green unlined upper garment"。

26、保護環境,要你十分留心,十分細心,十分有心。Protect the environment, to you very, very careful, very considerate。

27、傾聽大自然母親甜蜜的絮語,多麼美好,豈能讓母親哽咽。Listen to the mother nature sweet whispers, how good, can let mother SOB。

28、保護環境衛生,減少生活汙染,共建美好家園。To protect the environment health, reduce the pollution of life and to build better homes。

29、看,藍色的地球多美呀!千萬不要讓她變成單調的黃色!Look, blue earth how beautiful ah! Don't let her become a dull yellow!

30、用我們的行動,創造未來的藍天,健康生活在向我們招手。With our action, create the future of the sky, a healthy life in waved to us。

31、少一句空話,多一項行動;減一份汙染,添一片綠色。A less empty talk and more action; A pollution reduction, add a piece of green。

32、少吃少喝少開車,節能有我;多走多做多種樹,減排共贏。Eat less and less drink driving less, energy-saving have me; How do many kinds of trees, and win-win。

33、讓水更清,讓天更藍,讓花更豔,讓我們的地球更美麗。Make water is more clear, day more blue, let more colourful flowers, make our earth more beautiful。

34、我們為天然資源越來越少而傷心,地球為我們破壞資源而哭泣。We sad for fewer and fewer natural resources, the destruction of resources cry for us。

35、一個地球,夠了,一個海洋,夠了,不夠的是—環保。One earth, enough is enough, a Marine, that's enough, is not enough - environmental protection。

36、地球的命運掌握在人們的股掌之間,稍不留神,將會被毀滅。The fate of the earth lies in the people's hand, a bit not careful, will be destroyed。

37、地球不該是黑色的,讓天空湛藍,河流潔淨,花兒嬌豔!Earth is black, dont let the sky was crystal clear, the river clean, delicate and charming flowers!

38、為了人類共同的未來,必須保護和合理使用好水資源。In order to the future of human beings, and the rational use of water resources must be protected。

39、清澈的河水是動物們的鏡子,不要讓河水再次汙濁不清。The clear river is the mirror of the animals, don't let the noise of the river pollution is not clear again。

40、我是節能減排宣傳員,請您離開電腦時,關上顯示器。I am a advocate energy conservation and emissions reduction, please leave the computer, turn off the display。

41、喝潔淨的水,呼吸新鮮的空氣,這需要您每時每刻愛護環境!Drink clean water, breathe fresh air, this requires you to care for the environment all the time!

42、朋友,請給鳥兒多一片溫暖的天空,請給魚兒多一點娛樂的天地。Friend, please give the bird a warm air, please give the fish a bit more entertainment heaven and earth。

43、享受低碳生活,與自然重建和諧,擁抱綠色生活,與地球重修舊好。Rebuild harmony enjoy low carbon life, and nature, and embrace the green life, mend fences with the earth。

44、培養學生愛護環境的自覺性,養成垃圾分類回收的好習慣。To cultivate students the consciousness of environment protection, form the good habit of garbage sorting recycling。

45、門前院後種棵樹,室內陽臺養盆花,健康幸福到你家。In front of the hospital after the kind of tree, indoor the balcony a potted flower, health and happiness to your home。

46、培養學生隨手關閉電器、電源的習慣,避免浪費用電。Cultivate the habit of students with closed electrical appliances, power supply, avoid the waste of electricity。

47、創節能型企業,樹低碳風氣;建節約型機關,立低碳豐碑。Gen energy-saving enterprises, tree low carbon atmosphere; To build a conservation-minded agencies, low-carbon monument。

48、嚴格執行節能減排法規標準,堅決查處違法違規行為。Strict implementation of the energy conservation and emissions reduction law standard, resolutely investigate violation behavior。

49、人類只有一個可生息的村莊——地球,保護環境是每個村民的責任。Only one human interest-bearing village - the earth, protect the environment is the responsibility of each of the villagers。

50、深入開展建立節水型農業、工業、城市的活動,努力建設節水型社會。Work hard to create water-saving agriculture, industry, city activities, strive to build a water-saving society。

51、同節儉,不浪費,有限資源無限用;尚低碳,減排放,惠及子孫福澤長。With frugal, do not waste, use limited resources is infinite; Low carbon, emissions reduction, Sun Fuze long benefit。

52、倡導低碳生活,實施節能減排,樹立環保意識,創造美好家園。Advocate low carbon life, the implementation of energy conservation and emissions reduction, set up environmental protection consciousness, creating a better home。

53、神州發展科學化,經濟環境一起抓。春風又綠江南岸,低碳環保靠大家。The shenzhou scientific development, economic and environment together。 The spring breeze and green river south bank, low carbon environmental protection depends on everybody。

54、生命,因奮鬥而精彩;地球,因你我而同在。節能減排,讓你我攜手未來。Life, because of the struggle and wonderful; The earth, because you and I together。 Energy conservation and emissions reduction, let you and me hand in hand in the future。