Medici,Cosimo I de'
第二任佛羅倫斯公爵(1537~1574)、第一任托斯卡尼大公(1569~1574)。喬凡尼.德.麥迪奇之子,在獲悉佛羅倫斯公爵、遠房堂兄弟亞歷山德羅被刺殺後,趕到佛羅倫斯,當選為共和國首腦(1537),與元老院、公民大會和政府委員會共同統治。這次選舉得到查理五世認可。之後開始實行領土擴張,1554年進攻錫耶納,擊敗斯特羅齊(P. Strozzi)統率的法軍。1559年麥迪奇家族出身的庇護四世就任教宗,進一步加強了科西莫的勢力。1560年教宗任命科西莫之子喬凡尼為樞機主教,喬凡尼死後又將其職授予科西莫另一子斐迪南,逐步取得托斯卡尼的統治權。1559年委託畫家兼建築設計師瓦薩里(G. Vasari)設計辦公樓烏菲茲宮。他還發掘了伊楚利亞遺址,從中發掘出像「演說家」、「噴火女妖」這樣舉世聞名的作品。他還建立了佛羅倫斯學院。1569年教宗庇護五世授予他托斯卡尼大公稱號。
English version:
Medici,Cosimo I de'
Second duke of Florence (1537-74) and first grand duke of Tuscany (1569-74). The son of Giovanni de' Medici,Cosimo became head of the Florentine republic in 1537 after the assassination of his distant cousin Alessandro de' Medici. He continued Alessandro's tyrannical rule and defeated attempts to oust him with aid from Emperor Charles V. Seeking to expand his power,he attacked Siena in 1554 and brought nearly all of Tuscany under his control. He used his despotic power to improve the government's efficiency and to sponsor artistic projects. Far advanced for the time as an administrator,he united all public services into one building,the Uffizi (“Offices”),designed by Giorgio Vasari. He promoted the talents of such artists as Il Bronzino and Bartolommeo Ammannati,sponsored archaeological excavations of Etruscan sites,and established the Florentine Academy for linguistic studies. In 1569 he was given the title grand duke of Tuscany.