1、水不流,會發臭;人不學,會落後。The water does not flow, will stink; people do not learn, will be left behind。
2、文學之知識乃是學問之門禁。Knowledge of literature is the access control of learning。
3、如果不想在世界上虛度一生,那就要學習一輩子。If you don't want to waste your life in the world, you need to study for a lifetime。
4、趕腳的對頭是腳懶,學習的對頭是自滿。My head is foot lazy, complacency is the enemy of learning。
5、博學之,審問之,慎思之,明辯之,篤行之。Erudite, questioning, deliberative, distinguish, and faithful。
6、試試並非受罪,問問並不吃虧。善於發問的人,知識豐富。Try not to suffer, ask does not suffer。 The man who is good at asking questions, knowledge is rich。
7、平時不好學,臨考悔已遲。Usually not easy to learn, too late to regret the exam。
8、只有努力攀登頂峰的人,才能把頂峰踩在腳下。困難是人的教科書。Only by trying to reach the top can the top step at the foot of the mountain. Difficult is the textbook of human.
9、虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落後。虛心的人學十算一,驕傲的人學一當十。Modesty helps one to progress, conceit makes one lag behind. An open-minded person studies ten, a proud man, when ten.
10、少年不知勤學早,白首方悔讀書遲。Boy no time, white square regret later reading。
11、沒有任何動物比螞蟻更勤奮,然而它卻最沉默寡言。The ant is the most industrious animal, but it most be scanty of words。
12、邊學邊問,才有學問。若要精,人前聽。Learn to ask, learned。 To be fine, people listen to。
13、活到老,學到老,一生一世學不了。It is never too late to learn, to learn, one's whole life。
14、可得一夜安眠;勤勞一生,勤勞一日。可得幸福長眠。But a night's sleep; a hard life, one day。 A happy death。
15、說大話的人像爆竹,響一聲就完了。鑑難明,始能照物;衡唯平,始能權物。Talk like firecrackers, a sound. Kam Ming was difficult, as matter; balance can only be the right thing Weiping.
16、才華是血汗的結晶。才華是刀刃,辛苦是磨刀石。Talent is the crystallization of sweat。 Talent is the blade, hard whetstone。
17、心堅石也穿。好記性不如爛筆頭。勤勉是成功之母。Heart stone also wear。 Forget it。 Diligence is the mother of success。
18、強中更有強中手,莫向人前自誇口。滿足現在的成就,就窒息了未來。Diamond cut diamond., Mo to the people before the glory. To meet the present achievements, the future of suffocation.
19、吹噓自己有知識的人,等於在宣揚自己的無知。He who boasts of his knowledge is equal to his own ignorance。
20、要學蜜蜂採百花,問遍百家成行家。To learn the bees gather flowers, asked all over 100 experts。
21、成就是謙虛者前進的階梯,也是驕傲者後退的滑梯。Step forward achievement is modest, is proud of the slide back。
22、黑髮不如勤學早,白髮方悔讀書遲。Black as time, white square regret later reading。
23、時間是腦力勞動者的資本。Time is the capital of the brain。
24、水滴石穿,繩鋸木斷。Dripping water wears through a stone。, Little strokes fell great oaks。
25、泰山不是壘的,學問不是吹的(next88)。天不言自高,地不語自厚。Taishan is not a barrier, learning is not blowing. Day never from, not a word from the thick.
26、做一個積極主動的人,最重要的是心,熱愛生命,勤奮實幹,開放進取。To be a positive person, the most important is the heart, love life, hard work, open up。
27、怕問路,要迷路。嘴勤不走冤枉路。Afraid to ask, get lost。 Mouth do not go astray。
28、勤能補拙是良訓,一分辛苦一分才。Is a good training, a hard one before。
29、聰明靠努力學習,知識靠平日積累。Smart by hard learning, knowledge on weekdays accumulation。
30、學習如鑽探石油,鑽得愈深,愈能找到知識的精髓。先學爬,然後學走。Learning such as drilling, drilling deeper, more able to find the essence of knowledge. Learn to crawl before you go.
31、不怕學不成,只怕心不誠。Not afraid, afraid of heart is not sincere。
32、如果有了鬍子就算學識淵博,那麼,山羊也可以講課了。If the beard even so, goats can also have a large stock of information, lecture。
33、汗水和豐收是忠實的夥伴,勤學和知識是一對最美麗的情侶。Sweat and harvest is a faithful companion, learning and knowledge is one of the most beautiful couple.
34、言過其實,終無大用。知識愈淺,自信愈深。No big exaggerate。 The more shallow knowledge, the more deep the confidence。
35、包子有肉,不在皮上;人有學問,不掛嘴上。The steamed stuffed bun with meat, not on the skin; people have the knowledge, not on the mouth。
36、一分耕耘,一分收穫;要收穫的好,必須耕耘的好。A point of hard work, a harvest; to gain good, must work well。
37、寬闊的河平靜,博學的人謙虛。秀才不怕衣衫破,就怕肚子沒有貨。The wide river is quiet, the learned man is humble. Not afraid of breaking the scholar clothes, but the stomach is not available.
38、刻苦學習的人總能實現自己的願望。People who study hard can always achieve their wishes。
39、知識象燭光,能照亮一個人,也能照亮無數人。Knowledge is like a candle, it can illuminate a person, also can illuminate countless people。
40、吾嘗終日不食,終夜不寢,以思無益,不如學也。I try not eat all day long, all night without sleep, to think of useless, it is better to school。
41、刀不快,石上磨。人不會,世上學。Knife is not quick, stone grinding。 No one can go to school。
42、喜歡吹噓的人猶如一面大鼓,響聲大腹中空。Like people who brag is like a drum, the hollow sound。
43、不實心不成事,不虛心不知事。不自是者博聞,不自滿者受益。Don't not do not know solid things, with an open mind. Not since the CMP is no room for complacency, benefit.
44、上如階儘管費力,卻一步比一步高。不經過琢磨,寶石也不會發光。On the first step, if the effort, but one step higher than one step. Not after pondering, the gem will not shine.
45、山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。The mountain road to the size, no end for learning suffering for the boat。
46、書,是人類共同的精神財富,是人類進步的階梯。Books, is the common spiritual wealth of mankind, is the ladder of human progress。
47、井淘三遍吃好水,人從三師武藝高。Wells wash three times to eat water, people from the three division Wu Yi high。
48、靈感是從來不拜訪懶漢的。Inspiration is never called on the sluggard。
49、黑髮不知勤學早,白首方悔讀書遲。Energy-saving, white square regret later reading。
50、鐘不敲不鳴,人不學不靈。Don't knock the clock not singing, people do not learn。
51、好高騖遠的一無所得,埋頭苦幹的獲得知識。百藝通,不如一藝精。Ambitious be nowhere to acquire knowledge, work with quiet hard application. One hundred arts, as an art.
52、用寶珠打扮自己,不如用知識充實自己。Dress with pearls, as to enrich themselves with knowledge。
53、虛心的人,常想己之短;驕傲的人,常誇己之長。An open-minded person, often think oneself is short; proud of people, often boast of their long。
54、靠父親的學識成不了學者。By his father's knowledge can not become a scholar。
55、鳥欲高飛先振翅,人求上進先讀書。The bird to fly first wings, who seek to improve themselves to reading。
56、學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous。
57、勤奮是聰明的土壤,勤學是聰明的鑰匙。Diligence is the smart is smart key soil, logistics。
58、訥訥寡言者未必愚,喋喋利口者未必智。Only silence may not be foolish, just not wise liqueur。
59、水滿則溢,月滿則虧;自滿則敗,自矜則愚。The water overflows, over the loss; complacency is defeated, blinded fool。
60、謙虛是學習的朋友,自滿是學習的敵人。Humility is the learning of a friend, complacency is the enemy of study。
61、天才無非是長久的忍耐,努力吧!Genius is nothing but a long endurance!
62、讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。Having read more than ten thousand books, writing if there is god。
63、黃金時代是在我們的前面,而不在我們的後面。The golden age is before us, not behind us。
64、一分耕耘,一分收穫。一藝之成,當盡畢生之力。A hard, a harvest。 A skill, when the power of life。
65、學問二字,須要拆開看,學是學,問是問。Learning two words, need to open to see, learning is to learn, ask is to ask。
66、好學而不勤問非真好學者。Good learning and not often asked not to really good scholar。
67、沒有加倍的勤奮,就既沒有才能,也沒有天才。There is no talent, no talent, no more diligent。
68、手指有長有短,知識有高有低。學無前後,達者為師。Finger length, knowledge。 No, as teachers。
69、年華一去不復返,事業放棄在難成。Time gone, cause to give up in difficult to become。
70、精神的浩瀚、想象的活躍、心靈的勤奮:就是天才。The spirit of the vast, the imagination of active, the mind of the diligence: is a genius。
71、人生有一道難題,那就是如何使一寸光陰等於一寸生命。Life has a problem, that is how to make an inch of time is an inch of life。
72、貴有恆何必三更眠五更起,最無益只怕一日曝十日寒。Thank you why sleep before midnight, the most useless if one day ten day of cold exposure.
73、樹不修,長不直;人不學,沒知識。The tree does not repair, long not straight; people do not learn, no knowledge。
74、只要是有益的話,小孩的話也要聽。As long as it is good, the child will listen to it。
75、早起多長一智,晚睡多增一聞。An early night more than a smell of wisdom。
76、你若需要時間,還得自己把他造出來。If you need time, you have to make it yourself。
77、書籍是橫渡時間大海的航船。The book is the ship crossing the sea of time。
78、人不勞動沒出息,人不學習沒長進。People do not work for nothing, people do not learn no progress。
79、不怕學不會,只怕不肯鑽。Not afraid, not afraid to drill。
80、一個不想蹚過小河的人,自然不想遠涉重洋。針越用越明,腦越用越靈。One does not want to wade the stream of people, naturally do not want to travel across many seas. The more using the needle, the more the brain uses.
81、老薑辣味大,老人經驗多。請教別人不折本,舌頭打個滾。Ginger spicy, old experience。 Ask others not to lose money, the tongue play a roll。
82、汗水換來豐收,勤學取得知識。Sweat harvest, hard to get knowledge。
83、業精於勤,荒於嬉,行成於思,毀於隨。Efficiency comes from diligence。, shortage in the play, the line into Si, destroyed with。
84、不能則學,不知則問,恥於問人,決無長進。Not to learn, I asked, ashamed to ask people, no。
85、刀鈍石上磨,人笨人前學。以人為師能進步。A blunt knife grinding stone, a former school people。 To make progress by the human。
86、日日行,不怕千萬裡;時時學,不怕千萬卷。多練多乖,不練就呆。Every day, not afraid of thousands of miles; always learn, not afraid of ten million volumes. Practice good, do not have to stay.
87、學問淵博的人,懂了還要問;學問淺薄的人,不懂也不問。A learned man, a man who knows not, but a man who has no knowledge。
88、愈學習,愈發現自己無知。The more learning, the more you find yourself ignorant。
89、勞動是知識的源泉;知識是生活的指南。Labor is the source of knowledge; knowledge is the guide to life。
90、忘記今天的人將被明天忘記。Forget today's people will be forgotten tomorrow。
91、山不厭高,水不厭深。驕傲是跌跤的前奏。The mountain is too high, the water too deep。 Pride is the prelude to fall。
92、業精於勤荒於嬉,行成於思毀於隨。Efficiency comes from diligence。 shortage in the play, was destroyed along with the line into si。
93、智者千慮,必有一失;愚者千慮,必有一得。It is a wise man, there must be a loss; a fool, there will be one。
94、人唯虛,始能知人。滿招損,謙受益。滿必溢,驕必敗。Only empty, can only be people. Pride hurts modesty benefits. Full will overflow, pride comes before a fall.