
Last guys don't finish nice.

- Saul Alinsky

Well behaved women rarely make history.

- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

In truth, politeness is artificial good humor, it covers the natural want of it, and ends by rendering habitual a substitute nearly equivalent to the real virtue.

- Thomas Jefferson

It is easy to be nice, even to an enemy - from lack of character.

- Dag Hammarskjold

A nice war is a war where everybody who is heroic is a hero, and everybody more or less is a hero in a nice war. Now this war is not at all a nice war.


- Gertrude Stein

I did not attend his funeral; but I wrote a nice letter saying I approved of it.

- Mark Twain

Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down.

- Jimmy Durante

Too nice is neighbor's fool.

- Dutch proverb