注音 ㄇㄚˇ ㄕㄡˇ ㄕˋ ㄓㄢ
拼音 mǎ shǒu shì zhān
⒈ 戰爭中士兵看主將馬頭或進或退,喻指跟隨別人行動,以別人的楷模為榜樣。
英take the head of the general's horse as guide;
背道而馳: 朝著相反方向的道路奔跑。比喻彼此方向目標完全相反。例像背道而馳,其實倒是心心相印。——魯迅《墳》英go(run) in the opposite direction; run counter to;
眾叛親離: 大家都反對,連親人也背離了。形容處境非常孤立。英be utterly isolated; be opposed by the masses and deserted by one's followers;
分崩離析: 四分五裂,形容國家、集團等分裂瓦解。例邦分崩離析而不能守也。——《論語·季氏》英break up; come apart; fall to pieces;
南轅北轍: 與事實相反,背道而馳。例使南轅北轍,無苦征途。——《福惠全書》英try to go south by driving the chariot north-act in a way that defeats one's purpose;⒉ 截然相反。英poles apart,poles asunder;