注音 ㄍㄨˋ ㄘˇ ㄕ ㄅ一ˇ
拼音 gù cǐ shī bǐ
⒈ 兩者不能同時兼顧。
英take one into consideration to the neglect of the other; attend to one thing and lose sight of another;
面面俱到: 方方面面全能顧及到。比喻辦事周詳或過於泛泛反而抓不住要害。例但是據你剛才所說,究不能夠面面俱到,總得斟酌一個兩全的法子才好。——《官場現形記》英attend to each and every aspect of a matter; be attentive in every way;
不可偏廢: 謂不可只顧一面而不顧另一面,要兩方面兼顧。
一舉兩得: 做一件事得到兩方面的好處。英shoot two hawks with one arrow; kill two birds with one stone;
兩全其美: 做事照顧到雙方,成全兩個方面,使兩方都滿意。例與他個兩全其美,出去便出去,還與他肚裡生下一個根兒。——《西遊記》英eat one's cake and have it; satisfy both sides; satisfy rival claims; to the satisfaction of both parties;