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拼音 lí xiāng bèi jǐng
▸ 安居樂業 ▸ 休養生息 ▸ 落葉歸根 ▸ 衣錦還鄉 ▸ 安土重遷
⒈ 離開家鄉去謀生。
英flee one's home; tear oneself away from one’s native place; turn one's back on one's native land and leave it;
安居樂業: 居住安定,樂於從事自己的職業。英dwell under one's vine and fig tree; live and work in peace and contentment;
休養生息: 指在大動亂、大變革之後所採取的減輕人民負擔,恢復生產,安定社會秩序的措施。例高宗中睿,休養生息。——唐·韓愈《平淮西碑》英(of a nation) recuperate and multiply; rest and build up strength; rehabilitate;
落葉歸根: 飄落的枯葉,掉在樹木根部。比喻事物有一定的歸宿。多指客居他鄉的人,終要回到本鄉。
衣錦還鄉: 穿著錦繡衣服回鄉,形容富貴後榮耀鄉里。英return to one’s hometown in silken robes—return home in glory;
安土重遷: 在家鄉住慣了,很不願意搬遷。英be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it; hate to leave one’s native land;