
注音 ㄍㄜˊ ㄢˋ ㄍㄨㄢ ㄏㄨㄛˇ

拼音 gé àn guān huǒ




⒈  隔岸相望火災,比喻不關痛癢,袖手旁觀。


watch a fire from the safe haven of immunity; Fiddle while Rome is burning.;

見義勇為:  意識到是正義之舉就大膽去做。英see what is right and have the courage to do it; be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause; do boldly what is righteous; be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it;

八方支援:  形容各方面都支援、援助。

扶危濟困:  幫助生活或處境困難的人。例你我是行俠仗義,理宜扶危濟困,翦惡除奸。——《三俠五義》英help the people in trouble; help those in distress and lend support to those in danger or in need;

脣揭齒寒:  見“脣亡齒寒”。

身臨其境:  親自到了那個境地,獲得某種切身感受。英be personally on the scene; go through the situation personally;

當仁不讓:  當:面對。仁:正義之事。《論語·衛靈公》:“當仁不讓於師。”後以“當仁不讓”表示應做之事,就應積極主動去做,不能推託。例夫人臣依義顯君,竭忠彰主,行之美也,當仁不讓。——《後漢書·曹褒傳》英not decline to shoulder a responsibility; in good cause do not lag behind; take sth. as one's obligation;

脣亡齒寒:  脣沒有了,牙齒就寒冷。比喻雙方休慼相關,榮辱與共。英mutual dependency of neighboring countries when confronted with a powerful and aggressive enemy; share a common lot;