注音 ㄔㄨˊ ㄐ一ㄡˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄒ一ㄣ
拼音 chú jiù bù xīn
▸ 陳陳相因 ▸ 墨守成規 ▸ 積習難改 ▸ 原封不動 ▸ 守株待兔 ▸ 因循守舊
⒈ 原指推除舊歲,更換新歲,現多指更除舊的,建立新的。
英get rid of the old to make way for the new; do away with the old and set up the new;
陳陳相因: 倉中糧食逐年累加,久而不食,則變為陳糧。後以此比喻處理問題因襲舊法,毫無改進。英follow a set routine; do sth in a conventional way;
墨守成規: 比喻拘泥於成見而不善於機變。英stick to conventions;
積習難改: 長期形成的習慣難以改變。例真是積習難改,拿起筆,就像扭開了龍頭,水荷荷地流個不停。——巴金《談自己的創作·小序》英too difficult to get rid of deep-rooted habits; ingrained habits cannot be cast off overnight;⒉ 亦作“積習難除”
原封不動: 未改變。英untouched;⒉ 保持原樣。英be left intact;
守株待兔: 比喻死守經驗,不知變通。亦用以諷刺妄想不勞而獲的僥倖心理。英stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and clash themselves against it—trust to chance and windfalls;
因循守舊: 死守老一套,不圖更新。英lockstep; follow the beaten track old routine;