注音 一ㄠˋ 一ㄢˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄈㄚˊ
拼音 yào yán bù fá
▸ 拖泥帶水 ▸ 長篇大論 ▸ 拉拉扯扯 ▸ 連篇累牘 ▸ 天南地北 ▸ 洋洋灑灑
⒈ 要:簡要。煩:煩瑣。指說話簡明扼要。
英give the essentials in simple language; important statement need not be prolix;
拖泥帶水: 形容在泥濘道路上行走的狀貌。比喻辦事拖沓不爽快或語言不簡明扼要。英messy; sloppy; slovenly; drag through mud and water;
長篇大論: 指冗長的文章或滔滔不絕的言談。英lengthy article (speech); be prosy and diffuse;
拉拉扯扯: 指牽挽親暱的樣子。也形容勾勾搭搭,關係暖昧,不正當。例一個小爺見了面,也拉拉扯扯的,什麼意思!——《紅樓夢》英digress in speaking; traffic in flattery and favours; pull and drag this way or that;
連篇累牘: 牘:古代寫字用的竹、木簡。形容文字冗長羅嗦。例連篇累牘,不出月露之形。——《隋書·李諤傳》英an endless assortment of articles; column after column; keep on repeating the insipid talk; lengthy and tedious writings; pages and pages of persiflage;
天南地北: 相距遙遠。英separate far and wide; be far apart;⒉ 形容談話漫無邊際。英every and any subject under the sun;⒊ 形容地區各不相同。英from different places or areas;
洋洋灑灑: 形容文章或談話長而流暢。例這是經常不離木刻刀的,那又是洋洋灑灑下筆如有神的。——茅盾《風景談》英at great length;