
注音 ㄨㄛ ㄒ一ㄥˊ ㄋ一ㄡˊ ㄅㄨˋ

拼音 wō xíng niú bù




⒈  蝸牛爬行,老牛慢走。比喻行動或進展極慢。

風馳電掣:  像颳風、閃電那樣。形容非常迅速。例一輛汽車從他面前風馳電掣般地駛過。英swift as the wind and quick as the lightning; come like a storm and flash like lightning;⒉  亦作“風馳電逝”、“風馳電赴”

爭先恐後:  爭著往前,唯恐落後。例大家爭先恐後地往車上擠。英rush off to the front; strive to be the first and fear to lag behind;

駟馬難追:  比喻已說的話,難於收回;既成的事實,不能挽回。亦作:駟馬不追、駟馬莫追。

一目十行:  看書時一眼可以看十行。形容看書非常快。英read ten lines at a glance;

捷足先登:  腳步快捷者最先登上高峰。比喻行事捷速能先人一步獲得所求。例中原逐鹿,捷足先登。英beat; it's the early bird that catches the worm; the race is to the swiftest; the swift-footed arrive first;

大步流星:  形容步子邁得大,走得快。英at a stride; with vigorous strides;

兔起鶻落:  兔一起動,鶻就撲落下來。比喻動作迅速。亦比喻作畫、書法、作文等下筆快、無停頓。英quick flow of writer's thoughts and imagination; as the moment a hare is flushed out the falcon swoops down;

日行千里:  一天跑千里路。形容速度極快。

石火電光:  佛教語。喻時光的短促。
