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拼音 guǎn kuī lǐ cè
▸ 高瞻遠矚 ▸ 洞若觀火 ▸ 一目瞭然 ▸ 統籌全域性 ▸ 縱觀全域性
⒈ 管中視天,以瓢量海水,喻眼光狹小,見識不廣或不自量力。
英take a narrow view of sth; look at the sky through a bamboo tube and measure the sea with a calabash——restricted in vision and shallow in understanding;
高瞻遠矚: 瞻:遠望。矚:注視。看得高遠。形容目光遠大。例對於那些不能高瞻遠矚、展望將來、壯大新生事物聲勢的藝術作品,免不了要陷於平凡以至庸俗的境地。英look far ahead and aim high; be farsighted;
洞若觀火: 形容對事物觀察得清楚明白,就像看火一樣。例老祖臺察吏安民,洞若觀火。——清·錢謙益《致郎制臺》英as clearly as a blazing fire; see very clearly as through looking at fire;
一目瞭然: 一眼就看得很清楚。英as clear as day; see with half an eye;