注音 ㄏㄨㄚˋ ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄉ一ㄢˇ ㄐ一ㄥ
拼音 huà lóng diǎn jīng
⒈ 以唐·張彥遠《歷代名畫記》所述張繇僧畫龍點睛的故事,比喻繪畫、作文在緊要之處加上一筆,使其靈活而有神。
英add the touch that brings a work of art to life; add a word or two to clinch the point; put life into sth.like dotting the eyeball in painting a dragon;
弄巧成拙: 本想取巧,結果反把事情辦糟了。例弄巧成拙,畫蛇添足。英outsmart oneself; suffer from being too smart; try to be clever only to end in blunder;
畫蛇添足: 蛇本來沒有腳有人卻給它加上腳,故事見《戰國策·齊策二》。比喻做事多此一舉,反而壞事。例今若前進,倘不如意,正如畫蛇添足也。——《三國演義》英draw a snake and add feet to it—ruin the effect by adding sth.superfluous;
一語道破: 一句話說穿。
點金成鐵: 使黃金變成鐵,比喻把別人的好文章改壞。英touching gold and turn it into iron;