
注音 ㄌ一ˇ ㄑㄨ ㄘˊ ㄑㄩㄥˊ

拼音 lǐ qū cí qióng




⒈  因理虧而無言以對。


be condemned on one's own showing; fall silent on finding oneself bested in argument;

義正辭嚴:  見“義正詞嚴”。

強詞奪理:  沒有理硬說成有理強行狡辯。例此時姑娘越聽張金鳳的話有理,並且還不是強詞奪理,早把一腔怒氣,撇在九霄雲外。——清·文康《兒女英雄傳》英argue irrationally;

理直氣壯:  理由充分,言行因而有氣勢。例只要我們理直氣壯,怕他怎的!英be in the right and selfconfident; be self-confident on the strength of one's being right; justly and forcefully; speak with compelling argument;

淋漓盡致:  形容文筆或言詞暢達詳盡。例刻劃淋漓盡致,恰到好處。英be most incisive and vivid; make the most revealing performance; with poignancy;⒉  赤裸裸;毫不遮掩。例揭露得淋漓盡致。英bare;

旁徵博引:  為了表示論證充足而大量地引用材料。例他的發言論據充足,旁徵博引,獲得一致好評。英quote copiously from many sources;

義正詞嚴:  持論合理,言詞嚴正;道理正當,措詞嚴肅。英severity in speech and fairness in principal;

振振有詞:  自以為理由充分地大發議論。例雙方都振振有詞,互不相讓。他揮著手勢,振振有詞地說了一片大道理。

振振有辭:  好像很有理由,說個不停。英speak plausibly and at length;

氣壯理直:  謂理由充分,說話有氣勢。

侃侃而談:  剛直坦誠地談話。英speak with fervor and assurance;

義形於色:  正義之氣顯現於神色。也指義憤的心情顯露在臉上。英with indignation written on one's face; one's face shows no compromise with evil;

名正言順:  只有名義正當,道理才說得通。例要幹,就名正言順地幹個痛快,沒有必要躲躲閃閃的。英legitimate; be perfectly justifiable; if the name (titles) are correct,words will carry weight;

據理力爭:  根據道理而竭力爭辯。例我們再去據理力爭,非達到目的不走!——巴金《家》外國人呢,固然得罪不得,實在下不去的地方,也該據理力爭。——《文明小史》英argue strongly on just grounds;