注音 ㄨˊ ㄉ一ˋ ㄗˋ ㄖㄨㄥˊ
拼音 wú dì zì róng
⒈ 沒有地方可以給自己容身。形容十分羞愧。
英can find no place to hide oneself for shame; feel too ashamed to show one's face;
恬不知恥: 泰然處之,不以為恥。英do not feel ashamed at all; past all sense of shame; shameless;
問心無愧: 心地光明坦白,毫無愧疚。英have a clear conscience; feel no qualms upon selfexamination;
立足之地: 站腳的地方。比喻容身的地方。例反倒被擠得沒有立足之地了。——茅盾《霜葉紅似二月花》英foothold; footing;
理直氣壯: 理由充分,言行因而有氣勢。例只要我們理直氣壯,怕他怎的!英be in the right and selfconfident; be self-confident on the strength of one's being right; justly and forcefully; speak with compelling argument;
▸ 反義詞