注音 ㄙˇ ㄌ一ˇ ㄊㄠˊ ㄕㄥ
拼音 sǐ lǐ táo shēng
▸ 自投羅網 ▸ 束手就擒 ▸ 束手待斃 ▸ 死路一條 ▸ 坐以待斃
⒈ 在極危險的處境下幸獲生路。
英behind the perious past; have a narrow escape from danger;
自投羅網: 自己主動鑽入對方佈下的陷阱中。也指自取禍害,自作自受。例鳳姐因他自投羅網,少不得再尋別計,令他知改。——《紅樓夢》英hurl oneself willingly into the net; bite the hook;
束手就擒: 捆起手來等候別人來捉拿,比喻無法脫逃或無力抵抗。英allow oneself to be seized without putting up a fight; wait for capture with tied hands;
束手待斃: 捆起手來等死。英fold one's hands and await destruction;⒉ 比喻危難時不想方設法,坐等敗亡。英helplessly wait for death;
死路一條: 無路可走,比喻沒有前途。
坐以待斃: 靜坐等著送死。比喻遭到危難而不採取積極的措施。英sit still waiting for death; await one’s doom; resign oneself to death;