注音 ㄨㄣˊ ㄍㄨㄛˋ ㄕˋ ㄈㄟ
拼音 wén guò shì fēi
⒈ 明知有過錯而故意隱瞞掩飾。
英cover up one's errors by excuses; conceal faults and glass over wrongs;
洗心革面: 清除舊思想,改變舊面目。例自今以始,洗心革面,皆以惠養元元為意。——宋·辛棄疾《淳熙己亥論盜賊札子》英reform oneself;
欲蓋彌彰: 想隱藏壞事或過失的實情,但卻更加暴露。英Try to conceal a mistake,only to make it more conspicious; the more one tries to hide the more one is revealed;
聞過則喜: 聽到批評意見就喜悅。比喻樂於接受他人規勸。英feel happy when told of one’s errors; be glad when told of one's own errors;