
注音 ㄓㄨㄥ ㄓㄣ ㄅㄨˋ ㄩˊ

拼音 zhōng zhēn bù yú




⒈  貞:意志或操守堅定不移;渝:改變,違背。忠誠堅定,永不改變。


loyal; be unswerving in one's loyalty;

喜新厭舊:  喜歡新的,討厭舊的,多指愛情或對事物的喜好不專一。例不怕你有喜新厭舊的心腸,我自有移星換斗的手段。——清·文康《兒女英雄傳》英abandon the old for the new; be fickle in affection; love the new and loathe the old;

朝秦暮楚:  時而傾向秦國,時而傾向楚國,比喻反覆無常。英serve the State of Qin in the morning and the State of Chu in the evening—quick to switch sides;⒉  早上在秦國,晚上在楚國,比喻行蹤不定。英indefinite;

離經叛道:  背離正道;違反正統的經典道德規範。例且本官志大言浮,離經叛道。——《元曲選外編·貶黃州》英depart from the classics and rebel against orthodoxy; be guilty of heterodoxy; be heretical and deviate from the true teachings;


見異思遷:  缺乏主見,這山望著那山高,遇到不一樣的就改變趨向。英change one’s mind the moment one sees something new; fondness of novelty prompts frequent changes; look for a change for sth.better;

六親不認:  六親:泛指一切親戚。六親不認,所有親戚,一概不認。是說一個人過於冷酷自私,只顧自己,不顧別人。例我丟了差事去找他,他不惟不幫忙,反倒六親不認了。——馮德英《苦菜花》英refuse to have anything to do with all one’s relatives and friends; disdain to recognize one's kin;⒉  ;現在也用來形容鐵面無私,照章辦事,不講私情。例他六親不認,不管是老師傅,老同學還是新徒工,犯在他手裡,一視同仁。

水性楊花:  水性隨勢而流,楊花隨風飄蕩。比喻婦女作風輕浮,用情不專一。

大逆不道:  封建時代稱犯上作亂等重大罪行。例大逆不道,為天下所不容。英treason and heresy; worst offcnse;