注音 一ㄣˇ ㄐ一ㄡˋ ㄗˋ ㄗㄜˊ
拼音 yǐn jiù zì zé
⒈ 承認過失,責備自己。
以鄰為壑: 《孟子·告子下》:“禹之治水,水之道也,是故禹以四海為壑;今吾子以鄰國為壑。”把鄰國作為水坑,把本國洪水排放到那裡。表示嫁禍於人。英shift one’s trouble to others as one who uses his neighbour's field as a drain;
作法自斃: 立法者犯了自己所立的法而為其所害。例怎奈此時官場中人,十居其九是吃煙的,哪一個肯建這個政策作法自斃呢?——《二十年目睹之怪現狀》英make a law only to fall foul of it oneself; be hoist with or by one’s own petard; get caught in one’s own trap;
怨天怨地: 抱怨天,埋怨地,對不滿意的事歸咎於各種客觀情況。英murmur against heaven and earth;
嫁禍於人: 轉移災禍於他人。例立嗣君於南面,斃母后於中闈,黃門與禁旅皆殲,宗室共衣冠並殪。復又盜釧掩耳,嫁禍於人。——《舊唐書·哀帝紀下》英shift the misfortune (put the blame) onto sb.else; pass the luck to;