注音 ㄕㄠˇ ㄐ一ㄢˋ ㄉㄨㄛ ㄍㄨㄞˋ
拼音 shǎo jiàn duō guài
▸ 不足為奇 ▸ 司空見慣 ▸ 見怪不怪 ▸ 熟視無睹 ▸ 習以為常 ▸ 多見少怪 ▸ 見多識廣 ▸ 屢見不鮮
⒈ 見聞少,遇事容易感到奇怪。多用以嘲諷別人孤陋寡聞。
英consider sth. remarkable simply because one has not seen it before; commend excitedly out of ignorance;
不足為奇: 不值得驚奇。英be no wonder that; be not at all suprised;
司空見慣: 相傳唐代司空李紳請卸任的和州刺史劉禹錫喝酒,席間劉禹錫作詩,有“司空見慣渾閒事,斷盡江南刺史腸”的句子。後來用“司空見慣”表示看慣了就不覺得奇怪。英common; be a common occurrence;
見怪不怪: 遇到怪異的現象或事物沉著鎮靜,不受驚擾。英face the fearful with no fears; become inured to the mysterious;
熟視無睹: 常看到卻跟沒有看見一樣,指對某一事物漠不關心。例商品這個東西,千百人,天天看它,用它,但是熟視無睹。——《什麼是知識》英turn a blind eye; pay no attention to a familiar sight; be ignorant of;
習以為常: 常做某事,逐漸成了習慣。例三十餘年,習以為常,朕待此花,可謂深仁厚澤。——清·李汝珍《鏡花緣》英be accustomed to sth.;
見多識廣: 指見聞較多,經驗學識豐富廣泛。英experienced and knowledgeable; have experience and extensive knowledge;
屢見不鮮: 多次見到,並不新鮮。例搜身的糾葛,在香港屢見不鮮。——魯迅《略談香港》英it is common occurrence; nothing new;