注音 ㄉㄚˋ ㄓㄤ ㄑ一ˊ ㄍㄨˇ
拼音 dà zhāng qí gǔ
▸ 銷聲匿跡 ▸ 祕而不宣 ▸ 不露聲色 ▸ 消聲匿跡 ▸ 偃旗息鼓
⒈ 大量陳列戰旗戰鼓,比喻聲勢和規模很大,大事鋪張。
英on a grand scale; in a big way; with a big display of flags and drums;
⒉ 大肆宣揚。
英fuss and fea-thers;
銷聲匿跡: 指隱藏起來,不公開露面。例他生平最是趨炎附勢的,如何肯銷聲匿跡?——清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》英occultation; disappear from the scene; keep silent and lie low;
祕而不宣: 保守祕密,不對外宣佈。英keep sth. secret; hold sth.back; keep one's own council;
不露聲色: 不讓心裡的打算從話音和臉色上流露出來。例但他另有主張,在漢奸面前先不露聲色,暗中觀察觀察再說。英show one's feelings neither in voices nor in facial expressions; not betray one's feeling or intentions;
消聲匿跡: 本作“消聲滅跡”。亦作:消聲匿影。
偃旗息鼓: 放倒軍旗,停止擊鼓。指祕密行軍,不暴露目標。也指停止戰鬥。比喻停止做某事。例突厥受詔,則諸蕃君長必相率而來。雖偃旗息鼓,高枕有餘矣。——《舊唐書·裴光庭傳》英call off the army maneuvers; cease(stop) all military activities and lie low; lower the flags and silence the drums;