注音 ㄋ一ˋ 一ㄥˇ ㄘㄤˊ ㄒ一ㄥˊ
拼音 nì yǐng cáng xíng
⒈ 躲藏起來,不被人發現。
英hide from public notice;
粉墨登場: 妝化好了,上臺演戲。比喻人們開始在社會上、政壇上等活動起來(含貶義)英ascend the stage with powder and rouge make-up; do one's costume and appear on the stage;
水落石出: 水落下去,水底的石头就露出来。比喻事情的真相完全显露出来。例山高月小,水落石出。——宋·蘇軾《後赤壁賦》本為描寫景物,後轉用以比喻事情的真相徹底顯露。收真才於水落石出之後,坐銷浮偽之風;察定理於舟行岸移之時,儘裡出讒誣之巧。——宋·陸游《謝臺諫啟》英doubts will clear up when facts are known; as the water recedes the stones appear;
原形畢露: 清楚地顯示出本來面目;本來面目完全暴露。英be revealed for what one is;⒉ 顯示出真正的面目;偽裝被徹底揭開。例狐狸尾巴藏不住,終於原形畢露,束手就擒。英show one's true colours;
招搖過市: 形容故意在群眾面前虛張聲勢,誇耀自己,以引起別人的注意。英swagger through the streets—blatantly seek publicity;