
注音 ㄈㄣ ㄅㄥ ㄌ一ˊ ㄒ一

拼音 fēn bēng lí xī




⒈  四分五裂,形容國家、集團等分裂瓦解。


break up; come apart; fall to pieces;

同心同德:  心、德:都指思想認識。思想認識一致、行動一致。英be of one mind;

不可開交:  指無法擺脫。例忙得不可開交。英awfully; terribly;

同甘共苦:  同享幸福安樂,共度艱難困苦。例官兵一致,同甘共苦。英share weal and woe with; share with sb. through thick and thin; go through storm and stress together with;

眾望所歸:  眾人一致希望歸向於某人,多指某人受到大家信任,希望其主持某項工作。英enjoy popular confidence;

馬首是瞻:  戰爭中士兵看主將馬頭或進或退,喻指跟隨別人行動,以別人的楷模為榜樣。英take the head of the general's horse as guide;

同舟共濟:  同船渡河,相為照應。比喻利害得失相同者要患難與共,通力合作。英be in the same boat; cross a river in the same boat;

堅如磐石:  堅牢猶如厚重的大石,比喻非常牢固,堅不可摧。例一個堅如磐石的商業企業。英monolithic; rock-firm; be firm as a rock;

分甘共苦:  亦作“分甘同苦”。⒉  分享幸福,同擔艱苦。

風雨同舟:  在狂風暴雨中同船共渡。比喻患難與共,同舟共濟。英stand together through thick and thin; people in the same boat should help each other in distress;

同心協力:  為了共同的目的或為取得一致的效果而統一思想、共同努力。例敵對的政黨在這個行動上是同心協力的。英be of a (one) mind; make concerted efforts; work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose; unite all efforts for common purpose;

戮力同心:  齊心合力。例昔逮我獻公及穆公相好,戮力同心,申這以盟誓,生亡以婚姻。——《左傳·成公二十三年》英pull together and work hard as a team; make concerted efforts; unite in a concerted effort;

和衷共濟:  指同心協力克服困難。例大家也真能和衷共濟的討論救濟的方法。——《老舍文集·趙子曰》英work together with one heart (in times of difficulty);

精誠團結:  一心一意,團結一致。例精誠團結,共赴國難。——毛澤東《為動員一切力量爭取抗日戰爭勝利而鬥爭》英unite together with all the faith and dedication capable of;

堅不可摧:  非常堅固,摧毀不了。