注音 ㄉ一ㄠ ㄋㄢˋ
拼音 diāo nàn
⒈ 故意把事情弄複雜入意出難題使人為難。
英create difficulties; make things difficult; deliberate harassment; obstruct;
寬容: 寬厚能容忍。英tolerate; be lenient;⒉ 包涵;原諒;不計較。英forgive; pardon; excuse;
配合: 為一共同任務分工合作,協調一致地行動。例配合得宜;配合作戰。英coordinate; cooperate; concert;⒉ 般配,合適;結成夫妻。英match; fit; become man and wife;⒊ 機械或儀器上關係密切的零件結合在一起。英combine spare parts of machine;
成全: 幫助人使實現某種願望。例成全這門親事。英help sb.to achieve (his aim); help sb.to succeed;⒉ 書:完滿無缺。例人之立功,豈不期於成全耶。英complete; make the best of;
協助: 從旁幫助,輔助。英assist; aid; help; give assistance; lend a helping hand; provide help to;