
注音 ㄌ一ㄤˇ ㄑㄨㄢˊ ㄑ一ˊ ㄇㄟˇ

拼音 liǎng quán qí měi




⒈  做事照顧到雙方,成全兩個方面,使兩方都滿意。


eat one's cake and have it; satisfy both sides; satisfy rival claims; to the satisfaction of both parties;

顧此失彼:  兩者不能同時兼顧。例錢糧輸納,必有定限,……限有定而百姓閒時辦銀,逢限上納,無顧此失彼之慮。——清·黃六鴻《錢穀比限》英take one into consideration to the neglect of the other; attend to one thing and lose sight of another;

兩敗俱傷:  爭鬥的雙方都受到損失。例倘若大人再要回護他三人,將來一定兩敗俱傷,於大人反為無益。——清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》英internecine; both parties be weakened by mutual homicide; both being defeated and wounded; both sides suffer; cut one another's throat; neither side gains;

人財兩空:  連人帶財物都喪失了。例可憐張李二家沒趣,真是“人財兩空”。——《紅樓夢》英loss both the beauty and her possessions;

自取滅亡:  自己招致滅亡。英court destruction; bring destruction to oneself; take the road to one's doom; court one's own ruin;

飛蛾赴火:  比喻不惜犧牲而有所作為,或自尋死路,自取滅亡。

玉石俱焚:  美玉和石頭一齊燒燬了。比喻好和壞的同歸於盡。英good people are destroyed with the bad as the jade and stone are burned up together;