
注音 ㄙㄢ ㄘㄨㄥˊ ㄙˋ ㄉㄜˊ

拼音 sān cóng sì dé




⒈  古代中國婦女應有的品德。三從是未嫁從父、既嫁從夫、夫死從子,四德是婦德、婦言、婦容、婦功(婦女的品德、辭令、儀態、女工)

the three obediences obey her father before marriage, her husband when married, and her sons in widowhood and the four virtues (morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work) of women in ancient China; spiritual fetters of wifely submission and virtue imposed on women in feudal society;

獨立自主:  未被奴役,不受他人主宰。例獨立自主的判斷。英unenthralled;⒉  不依靠外力或不受外界影響的。例最初是買辦,然後是獨立自主的老闆,然後又是買辦。——茅盾《子夜》英self-centered;

倒行逆施:  做事違反常理,後多指做事違背正義和時代潮流。英attempt to go against the tide of history; do things in a perverse way; turn back the wheel of history;

大逆不道:  封建時代稱犯上作亂等重大罪行。例大逆不道,為天下所不容。英treason and heresy; worst offcnse;