注音 ㄔㄨㄥ ㄈㄥ ㄒ一ㄢˋ ㄓㄣˋ
拼音 chōng fēng xiàn zhèn
⒈ 勇猛進擊,殺入敵陣。
英charge the enemy lines; charge and shatter enemy positions;
⒉ 奮不顧身的勇敢行為。
英fight bravely for a just cause;
拋戈棄甲: 丟掉武器,扔掉鎧甲。形容軍隊被打得狼狽逃竄的情形。
望風而逃: 看見對方氣勢很盛就不戰而逃。英flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force; flee pell-mell at the mere sight;
臨陣脫逃: 軍人逃離戰場。比喻遇事畏縮不前。英flee before battlebegins; run away on going into war; desert on the eve of a battle; turn the corner;⒉ 指在槍林彈雨中潛逃。例不是半途潰散,便是臨陣脫逃。——清·佚名《官場維新記》英bugout;