
注音 ㄓㄨㄥˋ ㄆㄢˋ ㄑ一ㄣ ㄌ一ˊ

拼音 zhòng pàn qīn lí




⒈  大家都反對,連親人也背離了。形容處境非常孤立。

be utterly isolated; be opposed by the masses and deserted by one's followers;

和衷共濟:  指同心協力克服困難。例大家也真能和衷共濟的討論救濟的方法。——《老舍文集·趙子曰》英work together with one heart (in times of difficulty);

骨肉相連:  象骨頭和肉一樣互相連線。比喻雙方關係密切,不可分離。例中國人民解放軍是人民的子弟兵,和人民群眾是骨肉相連的。英be bone of one's bones and flesh of one's flesh; be closely linked as flesh and blood;

籠絡人心:  用手腕收買人心。

馬首是瞻:  戰爭中士兵看主將馬頭或進或退,喻指跟隨別人行動,以別人的楷模為榜樣。英take the head of the general's horse as guide;

眾望所歸:  眾人一致希望歸向於某人,多指某人受到大家信任,希望其主持某項工作。英enjoy popular confidence;

人心所向:  指眾人的思想歸向。例南方各省既倡義於前,北方將領亦主張於後。人心所向,天命可知。——《清史稿·宣統皇帝紀》英the popular sentiment;

戮力同心:  齊心合力。例昔逮我獻公及穆公相好,戮力同心,申這以盟誓,生亡以婚姻。——《左傳·成公二十三年》英pull together and work hard as a team; make concerted efforts; unite in a concerted effort;

同舟共濟:  同船渡河,相為照應。比喻利害得失相同者要患難與共,通力合作。英be in the same boat; cross a river in the same boat;

抱成一團:  保持一致,行動起來像一個人;站在一起並且互相支援。例父親似乎是要全家抱成一團。英gang up; stick together;⒉  形容關係極為親密——有貶義。例劉向明和另外兩人,抱成一團,異想天開地搞什麼科學研究,在同學中造成很壞的影響。——程樹榛《大學時代》英have close relationship;

同仇敵愾:  全體一致地抱著對敵人的仇恨和憤怒。英share a bitter hatred of enemy; a common danger causes common action; with bitter hatred against the common enemy;

地利人和:  指地理條件優越,人心又齊,有群眾基礎。例天時不如地利,地利不如人和。——《孟子·公孫丑下》英geographical conditions and good relations with the people; terrain is favourable and people are friendly;

百川歸海:  指條條河流都流歸大海。比喻許多分散的事物都彙集到一個地方,亦比喻大勢所趨或眾望所歸。英all things tend in one direction; all the rivers run into (to) the sea;

團結一致:  保持一致;行動起來像一個人;站在一起並且互相支援。例在談判中我們團結一致。英stick together; unite as one; hang together;

人心歸向:  向:歸向,嚮往。指人民群眾所擁護的,嚮往的。

精誠團結:  一心一意,團結一致。例精誠團結,共赴國難。——毛澤東《為動員一切力量爭取抗日戰爭勝利而鬥爭》英unite together with all the faith and dedication capable of;