
注音 ㄈㄨˋ ㄎㄜˇ ㄉ一ˊ ㄍㄨㄛˊ

拼音 fù kě dí guó




⒈  亦作“富堪敵國”。

⒉  謂私人擁有的財富可與國家的資財相匹敵。形容極為富足。

家徒四壁:  家中極端貧困,空無所有,徒有四堵牆壁樹立。英utterly destitute; be empty of all furniture; be extremely poor with only the walls of the household standing; with nothing is one's house but bare walls;

身無長物:  語本南朝宋劉義慶《世說新語·德行》:“﹝王恭﹞對曰:'丈人不悉恭,恭作人無長物。'”後以“身無長物”形容極其貧窮。

小本經營:  小買賣。英business with a small capital; do business in a small way;

立錐之地:  形容極小的立足地。例貧無立錐之地。英standing room; a tiny bit of land; land enough which to stick an awl;

不名一文:  沒有一文錢,極其貧困。例他生活困難到了不名一文的地步。英without a rap; not a cent to one's name;

一貧如洗:  窮得家裡像被水洗過似的。形容一無所有。英as poor as church mouse; dirt-poor; penniless;