注音 ㄡˇ ㄒ一ㄣ ㄌ一ˋ ㄒㄩㄝˋ
拼音 ǒu xīn lì xuè
⒈ 耗盡心血。
英make painstaking efforts; shed one's heart's blood; work one’s heart out;
粗製濫造: 質地不精而又過量製造。例藥品粗製濫造是拿人的生命開玩笑。英manufacture sth.in a rough and slipshod way;
敷衍塞責: 辦事不認真負責,只是表面應付一下。英perfom one's duty in a perfunctory manner; lie down on the job; try to muddle through;⒉ 官樣文章似的或只圖表面的。例敷衍塞責的講演。
敷衍了事: 辦事責任心不強,將就應付。例他敷衍了事地說了幾句,對方根本沒有聽懂。英gloss things over; do the routine work superficially; muddle with one's duty;
無所用心: 疏於用腦,對一切漠不關心,漠然置之。英not give serious thought to anything;