注音 ㄔㄨ ㄔㄨ ㄇㄠˊ ㄌㄨˊ
拼音 chū chū máo lú
▸ 老謀深算 ▸ 識途老馬 ▸ 久經世故 ▸ 身經百戰 ▸ 老成持重 ▸ 飽經滄桑 ▸ 羽毛豐滿 ▸ 飽經風霜 ▸ 久經沙場 ▸ 登堂入室 ▸ 老馬識途
⒈ 初為世用;初入社會。
英at the beginning of one's casees; young and inexperienced;
老謀深算: 精明幹練,考慮問題周密。例這人綽號“老狐狸”,老謀深算,詭計多端,很難對付。英be circumspect and farseeing; be experienced and astute; be scheming and calculating; make every move only after mature deliberation;
識途老馬: 比喻熟悉某種事情,經驗豐富的人。英an old horse which knows the way;
久經世故: 世俗的,俗氣的;老於世故的。例打扮時髦,久經世故的女人。英mondaine;
身經百戰: 親身參加過很多次戰鬥。例老將軍身經百戰。英have fought a hundred battles; be a veteran of many wars;
老成持重: 閱歷多,經驗豐富,遇事沉著穩重。例而老成持重,坐靡歲月,終於無成者,不可勝數。——清·魏善伯《留侯論》英be experienced and prudent; be rich in years and sound of judgment;
飽經滄桑: 經歷的世事變化多,閱歷豐富。例飽經滄桑的一生。英having experienced great changes in the world;
羽毛豐滿: 發展成熟、強大。例有羽毛豐滿而高棲於奧援者,令人可望而不可即。——清·佚名《杜詩言志》英become full-fledged;
飽經風霜: 由於風吹日晒而變健壯的,晒黑的或晒成古銅色的。例飽經風霜的臉。英weather-beaten;⒉ 經過多年的風吹雨淋的。例一間平平常常、飽經風霜的小木屋。⒊ 比喻經歷了許多艱苦磨難。例飽經風霜的漁民抗議了。英hardened;
登堂入室: 登上廳堂,又進入內室。比喻學問由淺入深、循序漸進、達到更高的水平。亦比喻學藝深得師傳。例皆黃門登堂入室者,實自足以名家。——宋·吳炯《五總志》英pass through the hall into the inner chamber——reach a higher level in one's studies or fecome more proficient in one's profession;
老馬識途: 比喻富於經驗堪為先導。例老馬識途添病骨,窮猿投樹擇深枝。——清·黃景仁《兩當軒集》英an experienced man knows the ropes; knowledge of a veteran; an old hand is a good guid as an old horse knows the way; the devil knows many things because he is old;