Any acts required to be done by a party to a negotiable instrument for the exercise
英 文 Any acts required to be done by a party to a negotiable instrument for the exercise
中 文 行使票據上權利
出 處 法律學名詞-財經法
Any acts required to be done by a party to a negotiable instrument for the exercise 行使票據上權利 【法律學名詞-財經法】
Any acts required to be done by a party to a negotiable instrument for the preservation of rights 保全票據上權利 【法律學名詞-財經法】
Loss of a negotiable instrument 票據喪失 【法律學名詞-財經法】
Observations Required to Interpret the Observation 觀察要求解釋觀察 【電子工程】
inertia storage vehicle [by a flywheel] [飛輪]慣性儲能車 【電機工程】
energy stored by a capacitor 電容器所儲存的能 【電機工程】
product of a matrix by a scalar 矩陣與標量的積 【電機工程】
Appointment of guardian by a will 遺囑指定監護人 【法律學名詞-性別與家事法】
Notarized by a notary public 公證人公證 【法律學名詞-性別與家事法】
Observations Required to Interpret the Observation 觀察要求解釋觀察 【電子計算機名詞】
maximum actuating force required to operate control 最大操縱力 【機械工程】
supervision by a field CM 現場營建管理監督 【土木工程名詞】
sound scattered by a bubble 泡沫散射音 【海洋科學名詞-水下工程】
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Assistance and Salvage of Aircraft or by Aircraft at Sea 救助與撈救海上航空器及由航空器施救之統一規定國際公約 【海洋科學名詞-造船工程】
separated by a complete compartment or hold from 被全艙隔離 【海洋科學名詞-兩岸造船工程】
assets held by a long-term employee benefit fund 長期員工福利基金所持有之資產 【管理學名詞-會計學】
energy stored by a capacitor 電容器所儲存的能 【電力工程】
appearance by a candidate 候選人曝光 【新聞傳播學名詞】
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Assistance and Salvage of Aircraft or by Aircraft at Sea 救助與撈救海上航空器及由航空器施救之統一規定國際公約 【海洋科學名詞-兩岸造船工程】
Damage done by severe frost 嚴重霜害 【林學】