


  at ,in ,on 用法

  1加時間:at+點時間:at seven ten 在七點十分

  at+固定搭配:at night, at weekends

  at+沒有Day的節日名稱:at Spring Festival 在春節

  on+具體某一天***的早上、下午、晚上***:on Monday, on Monday morning

  on+有Day的節日名稱:on Children’s Day

  in +一段時間in the morning /afternoon/evening/周/月/季節/年份/世紀

  2加地點:at+小地點: at school, at home

  in+大地點:in the country 鄉村、鎮、市、省、國……

  in+空間內部:in the study

  on+地理位置表面:on the farm/floor/earth...

  on+街道名稱:on Moon Street***街道名稱需大寫***

  [ 注:介詞+人稱代詞賓格:listen to me***me賓格***]

  2、go+v-ing : go shopping 去購物

  3、like doing sth. 喜歡做某事 like後加動詞ing形式

  4、let sb do sth = 讓某人做某事 let後面加動詞原形

  5、want to do sth = would like to do sth. 想要做某事***注意to後加動詞原形***


  5.4 the forth of May = May the forth

  7、問星期幾:What day is it today?

  問幾月幾日:What date is it today? = What’s the date today?

  8、否定祈使句:Don’t +動詞原形

  9、How many +名詞複數+...?

  How much + 不可數名詞+...?

  10、名詞所有格:a、一般情況在名詞後加’s:the girl’s dress

  b、在以s結尾的名詞複數後加’s,不以s結尾的名詞複數加’s:Teachers’Day, Children’s Day


  Lily’sand Lucy’s rooms***各自擁有一間房間***

  Lily and Lucy’s room***共同擁有一間房間***

  d、某人的家、店鋪等所有格,一般可以省略後面的名詞:have dinner at John’s home.

  e、有些指時間、距離、國家、城鎮等名詞也可加’s:today’s newspaper,ten minutes’ walk

  f、為避免重複,前面已提到的名詞所有格,後面可以省略名詞:This is not Sam’s bag , it’s Bobby’s.


  11、show sb. sth = show sth to sb 向某人展示某物

  show+人稱代詞賓格 ***動詞+賓格=》動賓短語***


  12、It’s time to do sth

  =It’s time for doing sth

  =It’s time for +名詞 ***到時間做某事了。***

  13、should/can +動詞原形:He can swim.



  I have some water.

  Would you like some milk ?